
26 Aug 2020
Local time
5:17 PM
Chorizo Soup

Serves 6-8 | Preparation & cooking time ~1 h 30 min


1000 g/1 kg/2.2 lb starchy potatoes (preferably small and thin-skinned ones)​
400-500 g/0.9-1.1 lb chorizo sausage or chorizo-spiced frankfurters/knackwursts​
2-3 tbsp ev olive oil​
700 g/1.5 lb root celery/celeriac​
300 g/0.66 lb/10.6 oz parsnip​
300 g/0.66 lb swede/rutabaga​
300 g/0.66 lb carrots​
300 g/0.66 lb (green) bell pepper​
200 g/0.44 lb/7 oz shallots​
3 cloves of garlic​
0.5 tsp chili flakes (0.5-1 crumbled, dried chili)​
1 tsp black peppercorns​
1 tsp white peppercorns​
1 tsp allspice peppercorns​
3 bay leaves​
2500 ml/10.6 cups herb stock (or vegetable stock/chicken stock/bouillon/consommé; 5 cubes)​
50 g/1.7 oz fresh parsley​


1. Preheat the oven to 200°C/390°F/gas mark 6, no fan
2. Cleanse the potatoes thoroughly with a coarse brush under running water.
3. Cut the unpeeled potatoes into thin wedges or sticks.
4. Place the potato pieces on a baking tray lined with parchment. Drizzle with olive oil and cook/roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes until done and slightly browned. Oven-bake adds flavor and keeps the starchy (tastier & sweetier) potatoes intact.
5. Cut the celery, parsnip, rutabaga, carrots, bell pepper, shallots and garlic into tiny bits and pieces.
6. Put the peppercons (and chili flakes) inside a tiny twist lid steel strainer/infuser, if at hand.
7. Pour the vegetable bits into a large soup pot/pan, add the bay leaves, peppercorns, chili and herb stock and bring to boil. Let simmer for about 25 minutes on medium heat.
8. Slice the sausage into tiny bits and pan-fry (without oil) on medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Drain on top of kitchen paper, if necessary.
9. Chop the parsley.
10. Add the cooked potatoes and pan-fried sausage pieces into the soup. Let simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes until all the vegetables are done.
11. Add the parsley and serve with rustic bread.

I'd be happy to eat this without the chorizo (I'm not keen on chorizo). Lots of lovely root vegetables here and I do like the idea of roasting the potatoes before adding. Why do you put the peppercorns in a strainer? I'd be inclined to add them whole or grind them.
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