Food Safety Standards where you are.

Surely it's made with pasteurised egg though?
Or do all pregnant peeps have to avoid mayonnaise?
The mayonnaise? I would hope it was pasteurized, but I don't know. All I know is that my son got food poisoning as a teenager (he's 34 now) from eating mayonnaise that was sitting out for awhile at a party--at least that's what we assumed it was. He had made a turkey sandwich with sliced turkey meat, cheese, mayonnaise, mustard and bread that was on a table outside at a party. I guess it could have been the turkey but upon questioning after the fact, he had said the mayonnaise had a filmy discoloration across the top (likely from the heat). Our family has been very careful eating things with mayonnaise that hasn't been refrigerated ever since. I don't know if other people that came to the party got ill or not.
The mayonnaise? I would hope it was pasteurized, but I don't know. All I know is that my son got food poisoning as a teenager (he's 34 now) from eating mayonnaise that was sitting out for awhile at a party--at least that's what we assumed it was. He had made a turkey sandwich with sliced turkey meat, cheese, mayonnaise, mustard and bread that was on a table outside at a party. I guess it could have been the turkey but upon questioning after the fact, he had said the mayonnaise had a filmy discoloration across the top (likely from the heat). Our family has been very careful eating things with mayonnaise that hasn't been refrigerated ever since. I don't know if other people that came to the party got ill or not.
I also want to point out that I realize that it could have been cross contamination and not the mayonnaise. It's hard to know who washes their hands properly at those events, especially with a lot of kids around. I was always riding my kids about handwashing, well before there was a pandemic. I was glad to see that my daughters are diligent with their kids about that.
Whenever we were on tour and went passed a private residence along eggs, we'd buy a dozen or so. What wasn't eaten that night, we'd hard boil and keep them handy for midnight snacks for the next day or so. .. no fridge, no issues despite some really hot temperatures through Scandinavia (around 36°C).
That's good to know. A day or so would be great. Thanks 👍
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