Recipe & Video Homemade & handmade pasta tagliatelle with semolina & 00 flour

Hungry Man

Senior Member
7 Jul 2020
Local time
6:40 PM
Here is an easy recipe for homemade pasta and also includes basic but handy tips for drying the pasta at home. Enjoy..

- Semolina flour, 100 g
- 00 Flour, 100 g
- 2 large eggs ( plus 1 yolk optional)

- In a large bowl, mix the flours and the eggs until no dry flour remains
(Alternatively you can do this by mounting the flour on the kitchen counter like a crater and adding the eggs in the crater and mix slowly until all incorporated.
- Once everything is mixed and the dough is a bit smoother, knead the dough until it's smoother.
- Continue working with your hands to develop the gluten in the flour
- Cover with a plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for 30 - 60 mins
- Cut a piece of the dough (approximately 1/3 of the dough or adjust as you wish)
- Dust the work surface with semolina flour and start rolling the dough until desired thickness (until the dough is slightly translucent)
- Cut the dough into a rough rectangular shape
- Fold each side towards the inner and roll the dough over itself carefully, make sure there is flour in between the folds, so it doesn't stick.
- Cut the dough vertically into thin strips (approx. 5mm).
- Slide a long knife underneath the strips and lift it. The strips should be separated and become long tagliatelle pieces.

- You can dry your pasta on an oven tray in your oven for min 24 hours. My favorite method is to hang & dry them on an oven rack as shown in the video.

thanks and enjoy :)
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