Marmalade time

Sue Veed

27 Aug 2015
Local time
7:00 PM
Nottingham, England
It's that time of year again - here's the batch I made yesterday; should be enough to last the year, even after giving some away.

Did anyone else notice the news item about Spanish police stopping two cars (in Seville, natch) and finding they were crammed with stolen oranges?
That's industrial scale marmalade production ingredients!
Wow! That looks very professional. Its nice to see you back @Sue Veed! There have been a few changes since you last visited I think, including two new challenges which might interest you. See here: There are currently three challenges for you to enter.

I haven't made any marmalade yet this year and soon it will be too late to buy the Seville oranges.
I have never made Marmalade. I made jelly a couple of times. My canning is usually Fig Preserves. Unfortunately the figs start ripening early July. Picking is a chore in the heat. Not to mention a hot kitchen when cooking the preserves and doing the water bath thing. Worht it in the long run.
I buy my marmalade from boutique sustainable farmers .. No time with a full time career ..

On a personal note, I prefer rasberry marmalade or black berry marmalade ..

Lovely packaging .. Good luck with your product ..

Nothing new. Thieves worldwide are veered towards robbing anything easy they can re sell and make money from or direct cash without too many complications.
Thread resurrection! I missed the January 2019 and 2020 seasons, returning from Madeira just a few days after all the Seville oranges had gone from local shops. To my disgrace, I posted last year's results on another, distantly related forum and neglected this one. Please forgive me.
Just so you don't miss out completely, here's what I posted in another place, copied verbatim.

Local greengrocer had Seville oranges at 90p / kilo, a damn sight cheaper than Waitrose, so I grabbed a couple of kilos or so.
Just in time, as another customer was loading up with at least 12 kilos. :eek:
Two batches made, one with laboriously thin-cut peel and white granulated sugar, for the laydeez, cooked up first so that it also removed the tang of the mango chutney for which the preserving pan was last used :whistling:, and one with thick-cut peel and a proportion of demerara and muscovado sugar for the true marmalade connoysewers.

Now to this year.
Seville orange season seems to get earlier each year. I bought just under 1.5 kg on 23/12/2021 and got around to using them yesterday.
Just one batch this year, a compromise on sugars (mainly granulated with just about 15% demerara) and peel (thinner than I usually like, but apparently more acceptable to others).
Baby brother and his daughter live with Mother. There are a couple of Satsuma trees that produce like rabbits. He has a fair-sized garden and produced Way too many peppers. He is still picking peppers. For Christmas he gave each of his siblings, their spouses, nieces and nephews jars of homemade satsuma marmalade and satsuma pepper jelly. Yummy!
I was just at my local 'green grocer' and they had giant sized organic Meyer Lemons.
I haven't had an opportunity to make Marmalade in a coupla years, you've inspired me Sue Veed .
Meyer Lemon Marmalade.jpg

(file photo-I can't remember from what year)
Let's do this!
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