
SNSSO's Bread Making

Bread made using my (free) bread machine
Yeah - that didn't go quite to plan. I followed the instructions very carefully for the new multigrain loaf mix. the size options were small, medium and large which equated to 650g, 825g and 1.0kg sized loaves. My bread machine does all 3 but defaults to 1kg, so I followed the instructions for the 1kg loaf which was 600g of flour mix, 370ml water ±30ml and 5g yeast (provided). I ended up with a touch extra flour because the scales had a paddy just after the very first cup was added (1 cup = 175g of this mix), so I ended up with 625g by accident rather than design. I've noticed that this bread machine is making loaves with very fragile tops, so having read up on this, it indicated too much water and to cut back on it. There are some instructions on how to monitor this, so I did this and ended up adding an additional 4 tbsp of flour during the 1st kneading phase which made for a much better dough. I had actually only added 350g of water as it was, so 20ml less than the water target. And 5g of yeast. Hummm

I set the bread maker to the 1kg loaf size but the top is clearly not cooked, so having caught it at the very end of the cooking stage, I have moved it to the oven to finish off.

Next time, I'll try a smaller loaf I think (or less water and less yeast...) I will have to see what it looks like when I cut into it but I'm expecting a very soft and light multigrain loaf!

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Bread Making, Baking and Cakes
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