Plans for today (2024)

Very sorry to read that, SandwichShortOfAPicnic. Tea now, whiskey later. 🫂

Overcast, cooler, and rainy here. Just work, no other plans. Maybe think about when I’m making my next challenge recipe, because it’s a main and will require a little effort, but I’m on call this week, and as sure as the sun’ll come up tomorrow, as soon as I get into making it, something will require two hours of work to fix.
It's just before 9am and the temperature outside is 31C. It's going to be a scorcher today!
Today might be my last in Pto Ordaz; all depends on whether the Indian community decide they want to dine this week or next. Anyhow, have to get back home soon because I need to get the builders in to construct a drainage outlet in the front garden before the rainy season starts. I also need to meet a friend whose Head Chef just walked out, arrange some Cooking classes for June and mow all the lawns!
Plans today are the usual, work and laundry. Maybe I’ll work out my next cream cheese extravaganza, for the weekend.

We had tornadoes come through last night. Very unusual for us, we’d needed to make a late-night trip into town, so we found ourselves huddled in shelter area of our local Walmart, with about two dozen other shoppers and employees.

It was very strange, because I’d been watching the live coverage of the storms, slow-moving west-to-east, and they’d kicked off a couple of near-tornadoes between 10-50 miles from the house, so it looked a little alarming.

However, just 10 miles or so from our town, they’d lowered the threat down to severe storm warning, cancelling the tornado warning, and said while it was still going to be a rough storm (hail, lots of rain, windy), the threat of tornadoes was gone.

Just a few minutes later, they changed that, the weather service threw up a warning alert, sirens went off, and they said they had confirmed rotation including debris trails in three locations, converging on our location (and going right past our house).

Thankfully, they were very small tornadoes, probably barely F0, and did minimal damage - we didn’t even lose power.

More of the same tonight, unfortunately, but the risk is slightly lower than last night.
So it's 5pm here and the temperature is still at 34C. The kitchen crew this morning was a multiple pile-up on the M1. I don't think they got anything right. 9.15am: HERE are the assignments, I'll be back at 11.30. Got back at 11.30 and they hadn't even started. Went away for another hour. The Indian breads were dreadful, the chicken curry was, well, ok, but the girl who made the shrimp dish completely ignored the fact that shrimp need to be done at the last minute, otherwise they're rubbery. I could have played squash with them.
They got flustered because they were also working food for the restaurant, but cooks in restaurants are supposed to be able to multi-task, right? They were rushing about like Lance Corporal Jones in Dad's Army. " Don't panic! Don't panic!!"
I watched them for a while near the end of the shift and they were like dogs between 4 trees: not a single leg to stand on.
Never mind - it's all in a day's work and they're learning. Feedback produced some grim faces (the owner and I both do feedback) but we both said "DON'T take it personally, take it professionally. READ the recipe before you start and have everything ready in front of you. WATCH like a hawk. BE AWARE of everyone else around you, so the food all gets done at the same time. If you don't understand, ASK. (which would have been hard because I had purposely left the kitchen). Keep practising".
We'll get there. It's been a magnificent experience.
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