black salt

Black salts are one of the most unique gourmet salts on the market, sourced from different corners of the earth, and each with their own distinct characteristics
Black salts are one of the most unique gourmet salts on the market, sourced from different corners of the earth, and each with their own distinct characteristics. Their bold flavours and dramatic colours make them perfect use as finishing salts, drink rimmers, and on food with contrasting colours. There are three types: Cyprus Black Flake, Hawaiian Black Lava and Indian Black (Kala namak).

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  1. SandwichShortOfAPicnic

    Salt. What salts do you keep? Do you have different salts for different purposes?

    I realise I have a few different salts for different purposes. I wondered what everyone else keeps and what they use them for? I have - Regular fine table salt (usually a big bag for curing). Fine sea salt (general cooking). Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt (in a grinder on the table). Smoked...
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