himalayan salt

Himalayan salt is rock salt mined from the Punjab region of modern Pakistan. The salt often has a pinkish tint due to mineral impurities
Himalayan salt is rock salt (halite) mined from the Punjab region of modern Pakistan. The salt often has a pinkish tint due to mineral impurities. It is primarily used as a food additive as table salt, but is also used as a material for cooking and food presentation, decorative lamps, and spa treatments. The salt is marketed with claims that it benefits health, but no clinical evidence exists for such claims.

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  1. SandwichShortOfAPicnic

    Salt. What salts do you keep? Do you have different salts for different purposes?

    I realise I have a few different salts for different purposes. I wondered what everyone else keeps and what they use them for? I have - Regular fine table salt (usually a big bag for curing). Fine sea salt (general cooking). Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt (in a grinder on the table). Smoked...
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