
  1. TastyReuben

    Your other hobbies (2025- )

    New topic to start off the new year.
  2. SandwichShortOfAPicnic

    Indecision is dogging me! Which one?

    Which tile layout should I go with? The one that looks more geometric or the one looks more spinny/snowflakey? I’ve been back to this so many times over the last few days and I’m annoyed with myself for being so indecisive! A new silk scarf is needed for my new motorcycle, the design was pretty...
  3. Windigo

    Other hobbies, arts & crafts edition.

    This thread is meant to discuss hobby projects that can be considered crafts or arts. Anything you made yourself. So for example painting, sculpting, woodworking, drawing, sewing ,flower arranging , jewelcrafting, diamond painting etc are all allowed to be posted here. I hope this gives a...
  4. Photographers Guide To Capture One 20

    Photographers Guide To Capture One 20

    Photographers Guide To Capture One 20
  5. Affinity Photo Work Book

    Affinity Photo Work Book

    Affinity Photo Work Book
  6. Affinity Designer Work Book

    Affinity Designer Work Book

    Affinity Designer Work Book
  7. Affinity Publisher Work Book

    Affinity Publisher Work Book

    Affinity Publisher Work Book
  8. InDesign CS4 Textbook

    InDesign CS4 Textbook

    InDesign CS4 Textbook
  9. Wyshiepoo

    Your other hobbies (2021-2024)

    Hi all, thought I'd post a hobbies thread, the last one was last posted in over 2 years ago, so rather than drag up a zombie thread I thought I'd start anew. Obviously a post to showcase your other hobbies and hopefully post updates as you progress. I'll start the ball rolling, one of my...
  10. C

    Hobbies anyone?

    My latest hobby/fun thing to do is work on jigzaw puzzles. I want my bedroom closet shelf back. lol I had over 20 puzzles just sitting there since we moved in 20 years ago. So a few months ago I said, let's do them and then find them another home. We started with the smaller ones and now we are...
  11. ElizabethB

    What are your interest/hobbies - besides cooking

    You are all so creative. What other creative endeavors do you engage in? @SatNavSaysStraightOn - I know you knit. Your Jumpers (sweaters to me) are beautiful. I lack the fine motor shills needed for knitting. You also raise chickens. Jealous. @morning glory - photography is obviously a...
  12. ChowDownBob

    What are your other hobbies and interests?

    When you're not cooking and eating (or washing the pots, pans and utensils ... :laugh:) what do you like to do? What else are you passionate about or interested in? Bob
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