
  1. Windigo

    CookingBites meeting in 2026?

    JAS_OH1 , SandwichShortOfAPicnic and Barriehie suggested to maybe organise a meeting some day for those in the boards that are interested in it. We can decide on dates and details through the subsequent polls, this is just to see if there's interest and to see where such a meeting should be...
  2. msmofet

    Recipe Ms. Mofet's Glazed Carrots

    Ms. Mofet's Glazed Carrots ≈8-10 Carrots, peeled and sliced 1/4" Thick On The Bias 2 TBSP. Water 2 TBSP. + 2 tsp. Butter, or vegan butter substitute 1/4 C. Brown Sugar (Or Sugar) 1/2 TBSP. Dark Corn Syrup Or Molasses (Or Combo) 1/8 tsp. Salt 1/4 tsp. Cinnamon 1/2 TBSP. - 1 TBSP. Juice - To...
  3. TastyReuben

    2024 US Memorial/UK Spring Break/Aus Reconciliation/Africa Day

    Anyone planning anything special (cooking or otherwise) for the 3-day weekend (if you’re having one)? Even though we’ve already had several blistering hot days so far, this weekend is the unofficial start to summer here, so grilling out is mandatory, so I’ve just come back from refilling my...
  4. TastyReuben

    Valentine’s Day 2024

    Our Valentine’s Day plans are the usual - fondue; definitely cheese and probably chocolate as well. We’ll just go ahead and refer to it as Fat Wednesday. :wink: Anyone else doing anything this year?
  5. GadgetGuy

    Who is drinking Eggnog for the holidays?

    I usually do it. It comes in different flavors now. I especially like the pumpkin flavor!! I think it's the best flavor of all!!! I sometimes like to spike it buy putting some rum or vodka in it.
  6. M

    Shortages & inflation-are you stocking up?

    Over here (in Japan) they announce on the news what's going up in price and by how much and when. Myself, I'm a bit of a food hoarder -- trust me, during the zombie apocalypse you'll fatten up if your holed up with me -- so I'm VERY well stocked atm, and I'm glad. The price of flour has already...
  7. Windigo

    What were treats at holidays or other special occasions when you were a child?

    I saw a thread about this subject on Facebook and thought it would be fun to discuss it here too. What were the special occasion foods and treats you ate when you were a child? Were there foods that only got served at Christmas, or another special day? Are those foods you still consider special...
  8. flyinglentris

    Memorial Day in The USA

    For those who are not US members, this weekend is a holiday weekend in the USA, - The Memorial Day Weekend. Memorial Day is now officially, the last last Monday in May. It is a federal holiday and most federal employees have the day off. Memorial Day is meant to give remembrance of of...
  9. flyinglentris

    Happy New Year!

    Given that many people just across the International Date Line are already starting 2021, Happy New Year, everybody. Happy New Year!
  10. flyinglentris

    New Year's Countdown

    With less than three days until 2021, what would you like to finish before the year ends? What were the year's major beneficial changes? What were its hazards and problems? What would you like to see happen in 2021?
  11. Windigo

    The wrong and ( too) early Christmas exitement thread

    This is not a thread for those who loathe Christmas, But for elves, reindeer, santas, fairy folk and happy fellas For those who start early in the year Decorating their tree and spreading Christmas cheer What are you putting on the menu What are you going to do? Okay, this may be a...
  12. Windigo

    The magical kitchen of the kitchen witch

    This thread is meant for the pagans/witches/and other magical folk under us who use cooking as an expression of their beliefs and religion. What is it? Kitchen witchery is for folks who want to practice magick and witchcraft with an emphasis on cooking, food, and mealtimes. Feel super...
  13. MypinchofItaly

    15th August - Ferragosto

    Ferragosto is a holiday that takes place on 15th August every year in Italy. It is one of the most popular holiday in Italy other than Christmas day and Easter. Ferragosto coincides with the Assumption Day, the principal feast of the Virgin Mary, commemorating the day of the assumption of her...
  14. rascal

    Anyone going on holiday?

    I was planning on getting back to Europe late this year? I have friends who had their plans cut short, two who were in Vietnam a week into a world trip, but had to return home. When do you think we will be able to go on holiday again overseas? My wife has refused to fly in the next two years...
  15. TodayInTheKitchen

    National Food Holidays

    I always love to hear the different food holidays. May 7 - NATIONAL ROAST LEG OF LAMB DAY May 8 - NATIONAL COCONUT CREAM PIE DAY Check out this websites for other National Holidays (Mainly US-based) Here are a few upcoming food related holidays...
  16. F

    March Holidays: 17th, 19th St. Joseph´s & 29th Holy Week

    With Spring just one month away, and several holidays on the calendar: 17th: Saint Patrick´s 19th: Saint Joseph´s and in Spain, San José and Father´s Day and in Italy, San Giuseppe .. 21st: The Spring Solstice .. 29th: Holy Thursday 30th: Good Friday 30th March - April 7th: The...
  17. flyinglentris

    Holiday Goodies

    Jump in with suggestions on Holiday Goodies and Treats. These can include anything that is not a main entree. Home made baked goods, candies, puddings, nuts, fruits and berries, cheeses and cold cuts, cultural festive specialties and beverages. If you have a recipe, add a link here as well...
  18. Lullabelle

    Christmas ritual

    This year Christmas day will be just the 2 of us. We have a particular ritual we like to observe. We have smart table mats, best cutlery and smart crockery which always come out at Christmas. We have 3 candle holders each with decorations at the base also set up home on the table, this year we...
  19. kgord

    Cinco de Mayo

    Today is Cinco De Mayo which is a Mexican celebration that has migrated to the US. Most places that serve Mexican foods have specials going on..I think 2.99 Margaritas at Glory Days Grill is one. Anyway, will you get in the spirit with anything Mexican today? I was going to make an egg burrito...
  20. Morning Glory

    Self-catering holiday supplies

    You are going away for a week on a self-catering holiday for a week (I am about to go to France to do just that). What foodstuffs do you take with you? Salt and pepper are provided but no spices. There will be plenty of food shops and markets so you don't need to take fresh food (although I'm...
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