Retro style is a style that is imitative or consciously derivative of lifestyles, trends, or art forms from the historical past, including in music, modes, fashions, or attitudes. It may also be known as "vintage inspired".
How many of you remember as a child what gadgets that your mom & dad had & used in the kitchen? It most likely was not like today, where there are probably millions of things out there to make life in the kitchen much easier. As kids, we didn't have much in the way of gadgets. We had to make do...
I was sitting around thinking about nothing in particular today and suddenly got a craving for a late-1980’s treat - Burger King Burger Bundles:
Burger King sliders - Wikipedia
I remember for one glorious summer, I lived on these little sliders, served in...
Chicken curry the way my grandma made it. It's in no way authentic, and doesn't claim to be. But it is pretty tasty, so I decided to share it anyway! In Dutch it's called 'Kip kerrie' which is literally 'chicken in curry spice' and so it doesn't claim to be a 'curry' which is an authentic Indian...
Sorry I only know the metric system.
200 g self raising flour
200 g white caster sugar
250 g butter
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
4 medium to small eggs
100 g maraschino cherries ( drained)
Makes enough for one 28 cm round turban or a 25 cm loaf tin.
Preheat oven on 160 degrees...
Earlier this evening I started looking for a portable cd player. On the Amazon website they are selling various makes, some I have never heard of, and they are considered to be retro. My interpretation of the word is something from the 1970's, as I missing something?
We have cds that aren't on...
I'm fascinated by old cookery books and I have a small collection. I think there may be others here who also collect old cookery books or who are interested in 'retro recipes'. Is so, please feel free to post a retro recipe as a new thread.
This recipe appears in 'Breakfast Dishes and...
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