sesame oil

Sesame oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. Besides being used as a cooking oil in South India, it is used as a flavour enhancer in Middle Eastern, African, and Southeast Asian cuisines. It has a distinctive nutty aroma and taste.
The oil from the nutrient-rich seed is popular in alternative medicine, from traditional massages and treatments to the modern day.
The oil is popular in Asia and is also one of the earliest-known crop-based oils, but worldwide mass modern production continues to be limited even today due to the inefficient manual harvesting process required to extract the oil.

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  1. kaneohegirlinaz

    Recipe Hawaii-Style Cold Ginger Chicken

    Hawaii-Style Cold Ginger Chicken Serves 2 Ingredients: 1 large B/S Chicken Breast (+/- 1 lb.), poached, rinsed and chilled ¼ C. Peanut Oil ½ C. fresh Ginger Root, peeled & finely minced (I used a small food processor) ½ C. Green Onions/Scallions, sliced thinly 2 Garlic Cloves, finely minced ½...
  2. Herbaceous

    Recipe Sesame-ginger veggie noodles

    This is a very easy weeknight pasta that comes together very quickly. If you want a non vegetarian version, you can add cooked, sliced chicken. You could also add tofu for added protein. This recipe is adapted from Looneyspoons by Janet and Greta Podleski. Ingredients: 12 oz long pasta...
  3. kaneohegirlinaz

    Recipe Hawaii-Style Spam® Fried Rice

    That canned meat called Spam® is very popular in Hawaii. "Hawaii consumes more Spam per capita than any other state, with five cans eaten per person per year—about 7 million cans total—according to Nicole L. Behne, a Spam senior product manager." (quote from WOW! I knew that we...
  4. JAS_OH1

    Recipe Asian sesame vinaigrette

    I decidedly don't like ginger, but for some reason I love it in this sesame oil salad dressing! It's a breeze to make and it's so delicious on crisp salad greens! Ingredients: 1/8 cup soy sauce 3 tbsp toasted sesame oil 1/8 cup rice vinegar 1/8 cup avocado oil or other mild oil 2 tbsp honey 1...
  5. Hemulen

    Recipe Peanut Sauce/Dressing

    Peanut Sauce/Dressing Ingredients ✸ 10-20 g grated ginger root (a thumb-sized piece) or 0.5-1 tsp dried ginger ✸ 2-3 peeled cloves or garlic ✸ 60-70 ml/0.25-0.3 cups/61-72 g/2.0-2.5 oz smooth, unsweetened peanut butter ✸ 40-50 ml/0.15-0.2 cups sesame oil (or 0.5-1 tsp liquid smoke) ✸ 30-40...
  6. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Quinoa Poke Bowl

    NOTE: "poke" us pronounced "Poe-KAY". A poke bowl is usually made with rice, but quinoa certainly works. And, the fish used in a poke bowl is typically sushi-grade salmon or tuna. But, since we're changing the grain, why not change the fish? I used lox trimmings, which I can get from the deli...
  7. Herbie

    Recipe Salmon toasts and salmon cakes

    I thought I would try prawn toasts as I like them and don't think I've tried making them before. I make prawn or prawn and salmon chinese-style fishcakes which is a similar mix of prawns and egg. But I didn't have any prawns. 1 salmon fillet 1/2 beaten egg (mine was very large) 2 tsp potato...
  8. Morning Glory

    The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Sesame Seeds

    Congratulations go to medtran49 who won the Recipe Challenge ‘milk and/or cream’ with a recipe for Chicken massaman curry and has chosen Sesame Seeds (including any of their products, such as oil, flour, tahini) as the next challenge ingredient. The deadline for entries is midday Monday 28th...
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