Around the world in 29 sandwiches

14 Apr 2015
Local time
9:55 AM
Japan (expat by way of Australia and USA)
I thought this was a neat link - I really am a fan of learning about foods around the world (as you may have been able to tell from some of my other posts!!) and this was interesting to me.

They sell the yakisoba sandwich/roll and the katsu roll a lot of places in Japan - even at convenience stores!

Any famous sandwiches that you can think of? Do you have a favorite from the list of 29 that's on the link?

I think the Choripan looks and sounds yummy - I love chorizo!
Oooooh, I do not think I could do the raw pork and raw onion sandwich featured for Germany. That would just be gross. Some of them look so good though and I finally got to see a picture of what a chip butty looks like. I am going to have to try one of those sandwiches sometime.
Oooooh, I do not think I could do the raw pork and raw onion sandwich featured for Germany. That would just be gross. Some of them look so good though and I finally got to see a picture of what a chip butty looks like. I am going to have to try one of those sandwiches sometime.
I am with Rosy Rain on that one. I wouldn't want that Germany sandwich either. Other than That, I think I would be all in. Fluffnutter, OMG, that takes me back..I haven't had one of those for years!
Oooooh, I do not think I could do the raw pork and raw onion sandwich featured for Germany. That would just be gross. Some of them look so good though and I finally got to see a picture of what a chip butty looks like. I am going to have to try one of those sandwiches sometime.

You read my mind about the raw pork one - I actually thought eating raw pork was super dangerous...or am I wrong?

Just doesn't sound awfully appealing!
This is almost the same another thread Sandwiches around the world. As usual, the British chip butty represented is totally wrong! Chip butties are served in plain white sliced bread. NOT a roll!
Tea Cake!
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I always believed that raw pork was not good for you so I was surprised to see the Germans use raw pork on a sandwich. I had to gag over that one. It is definitely one that I would never try. I couldn't even look at it. Other then that the rest of them looked okay. I would try most of them given a chance.
I am not surprise Barbados didn't make that list and the truth of the matter is that we are not necessarily that big a nation on sandwiches. Still the trend might be growing. Out of all the sandwiches I saw there the US sandwich looked the most unappealing. That's surprising.
Did the pulled pork sandwich get on the list? It has to get on there! I like rice burgers/sandwiches because it's a different bun option than the usual and they used to serve it McDonald's in Southeast Asian countries I know it's not really gourmet but it's a new twist on an old classic.
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