At the animal feed store: Dog Question ????

Dive Bar Casanova

Senior Member
9 Mar 2019
Local time
2:44 AM
The animal feed store encourages us to bring the dog then all the contraband is on the lower shelves encouraging the dogs to shop lift.

But my question is:
Is it ok to let them chew on those dried pigs ears they sell?
Wife absolutely is against it but hell, I’d give the dog a dirty martini if she wanted it.

What’s your take?
The vet told me years ago that those ears (and rawhide) can do damage to the insides, so we never let them.

Lots of dog owners seem a-ok with it, though.
The animal feed store encourages us to bring the dog then all the contraband is on the lower shelves encouraging the dogs to shop lift.

But my question is:
Is it ok to let them chew on those dried pigs ears they sell?
Wife absolutely is against it but hell, I’d give the dog a dirty martini if she wanted it.

What’s your take?
Absolutely ok; dogs don't swallow them until they've chewed them soft. Pigs ears are good for the teeth and gums, they give enough resistance/opposition and they last longer than the grainy and costly alternatives. They're much safer than e.g. bones which can actually ruin the intestines.

There are opposing views to the one TastyReuben mentioned earlier. This is a fairly recent yes-yes: Pig And Cow Ears: When They're Safe For Dogs | Dogs Naturally ( The recent FDA warning was about the possible salmonellosis risk regarding imported Argentinian/Argentinean, Brazilian and Colombian pigs ears. Not a single dog has gotten sick from them, only sporadic dog owners who have not paid attention to hygiene issues. You can buy any frozen or baked (not smoked) pigs ears - even imported ones - and make your dog very happy. Just wash your hands after giving them to your dog. It's best to give only one ear at a time to ensure that moist ears don't unnecessarily collect germs on the floor.

We gave half a pig ear daily to our Parson Russell terrier for nearly 17 years. He chewed it mostly on the floor or on the sofa. He was a happy and healthy fellow and didn't make any of us sick although we sat on the same couch, scratched him constantly and gave him even "kisses" on the snout.
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Here is my take, as a dog of sorts. :wink:

Any kind of dried animal skin, whether it be a pig's ear or rawhide, is not a good idea. Dogs can digest it IN SMALL QUANTITIES. But, your dog can do without them, and really should. There are synthetic rawhide-like bones on the market. Psycho poodle loves them... which means they are expensive.

So, as a rare treat, go ahead and let her have a pig's ear. Just don't make it a regular part of her routine.

I never fed my dogs anything other than this.
Max lived a long healthy live because of that.
His weight was always 62 kg in the summer and 64 kg in the winter.
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