Awkward seasonal changes


Active Member
27 Mar 2022
Local time
1:05 PM
Navi mumbai
hello everyone , lately in my farm it has been raining a little and it’s just the mid summers! - but hey, that’s not very mind blowing to me because the summers are late here even the mangoes are late. Also our cow ‘Milky’ has started giving some milk, and ‘Nancy‘ our other cow has a baby calf in her tummy she’s going to deliver it in 3 weeks. And one of Milky’s baby cal has run off and gotten lost while grazing in the fields , it’s pretty sad but she will come back with no doubts. And finally Nandhi our first baby calf who actually isn’t Milky nor Nancy’s baby and who came as a plus one is pretty sober. View attachment 83538I have a picture of the cows too. I’ll Share it in my next post!
Yeah, over the last decade where I live, we had a frost in 2015 one late May morning that killed 80% of the grape vines and in 2013 the snowfall was spectacularly heavy and 2 years ago we were a month late in planting, mother nature eh!
I don't have a farm, but yeah the seasons are almost random now. Spring weather in January for one day? Sure. Ice cold one day in May? Why not. Let's just throw all the seasons in a blender.
I still have pears ripening on my pear tree at the moment. For me we are soon to start winter, so pears should have ripened a while ago. There are about 75kg or so of unripe pears so it isn't a case of the odd one or two unripe... my strawberry and raspberry canes are still producing fruit as well despite the fact I'm about to plant my winter veg!

My rhubarb hasn't had a dormant season for 2 years now. In the UK, it would always loose it's stems and leaves and return to dormant over winter. Last year that didn't happen here in Australia. I'm far enough south and high enough in altitude that we get cold winters and have a climate similar to southern England but with normally hotter summers than the UK.

Even my roses are still flowering, as are poppies, cosmos, fushia and a few others.
We can't see your attached photo Mothergoosygander.

Seasonal changes are happening world wide due to global warming (as we all know). Is your farm mainly dairy or do you grow crops too?
Actually, in our farm we grow cherry tomatoes , egg plant , pumpkins cucumbers , watermelons , onions, potatoes , baby spinach, romaine lettuce , iceberg lettuce and butterhead lettuce and red lettuce, chillies normal tomatoes, sweet potatoes, garlic , carrots, beetroots, mulberries, cherries, blueberries, basil , banana, Indrayani rice , peanuts , lemons, mushrooms , wild figs and strawberries . And eggs come occasionally as the chickens lay them but we leave a few for them to hatch. And plus the strawberries should ideally only grow inthe Cold weather winter but it’s still growing abundantly because here the weather is always cold no matter if the sun is scorching hot in the summers , because the evenings and early mornings are very cold and today it has been cloudy and very icy cold oh and lots of cold breeze, we are expecting rain soon.
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And plus the strawberries should ideally only grow inthe Cold weather winter but it’s still growing abundantly because here the weather is always cold no matter if the sun is scorching hot in the summers , because the evenings and early mornings are very cold and today it has been cloudy and very icy cold oh and lots of cold breeze, we are expecting rain

When you say 'icy cold', what sort of temperatures are you meaning. I thought in your part of India the lowest temperatures were around 15C. To me that is really quite warm!
When you say 'icy cold', what sort of temperatures are you meaning. I thought in your part of India the lowest temperatures were around 15C. To me that is really quite warm!
I had a friend from Florida visit me one year in June and the high a few days was only 71-72F/22C. She had to borrow my sweaters and light jackets to go out...and that was during the day! So yeah, it's conditioning. If someone is used to hot/warm temps, then what I find to be warm is rather subjective.
When you say 'icy cold', what sort of temperatures are you meaning. I thought in your part of India the lowest temperatures were around 15C. To me that is really quite warm!
11 Degrees Celsius. And i have two homes one is in the city Mumbai but the one which I am staying in right now is Satara. Oh and Nancy our cow has given birth to her cow today who we named `saraswati’ earlier than expected also our other calf Hamsi came back.
11 Degrees Celsius. And i have two homes one is in the city Mumbai but the one which I am staying in right now is Satara. Oh and Nancy our cow has given birth to her cow today who we named `saraswati’ earlier than expected also our other calf Hamsi came back.

11 C is fine for me. But then I live in the UK!
Yes, true. What I’m comfortable with isn’t the same as what I prefer. Maybe I should say that’s in my tolerable zone.
That's 52F. Nice for walking or yard work, but not the temperature for sitting outside eating lunch and not a good temperature for the inside of my house. My thermostat is set at 68F/20C.
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