Bacon sarni


Legendary Member
14 Nov 2012
Local time
6:56 PM
Durham NE. England
Just wondering is the humble [but wonderful] bacon / bacon and egg sandwich common over on the American side of the pond or is it more of a British thing ? No clever recipes just simple bread, bacon and maybe a fried egg [and possibly tomato]. Never seem to hear of it from the states.
I love a fried egg sandwich or one with veggie bacon, but I have never seen it in the US when I lived there. The breakfasts always have eggs, grits, homefries, pancakes, and sausages and not that much bacon depending where you are. No one really does breakfast sandwiches, more subs, bagels or breakfast biscuits (very strange as they are like scones), but places like Dunkin Donuts and McDonalds do versions, but not like a traditional cafe!
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