Basil problems

26 Nov 2014
Local time
12:59 PM
I have a basil plant that was doing quite well this summer, but now it doesn't look so good. I think the problem started when I left it out on the balcony for a few days and it rained a lot. I think it may have been overwatered. Now the stems are kind of brown and the edges of leaves have gone brown as well. I tried researching a bit and I'm not sure if it'd root rot or some kind of fungus. Can anyone tell me how to differentiate the two?
I have found basil very difficult to grow and maintain. I had basil and mint both out in the same spot and my mint just flourished and the basil simply withered away. I had the same problem, where it got brown and then it seemed to be infected and I could never get it to turn back around. I tried basil twice and I had the same problems. I think they are very sensitive plants to grow in your garden. I'm not sure what the trick is to keep it alive. It is a shame because I really do love basil and having it in the garden is very convenient.
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