BBC - Back In Time For Tea


Forum GOD!
30 Nov 2012
Local time
4:06 AM
Hampshire, UK
Did anyone else watch this?

For anyone who hasn't heard of it - its a programme combining food and social history where a family live and eat as people did throughout the 20thC.

I really enjoyed the previous series of Back In Time For Dinner which focused on a middle class family in London. This time Back In Time For Tea follows a working class family in Bradford. Tea was more accelerated than Dinner as it covered the whole of the 20thC in 6 episodes rather than the 12 that Dinner had (over 2 series). I thought it was really good, though I wish they'd been able to give it 12 episodes same as the previous one. And of course with the later decades its always fun to see the foods and gadgets that you remember as a child.

If you haven't seen it yet then I do recommend watching it if its repeated or on catch-up :okay:
I caught one of them and intended to watch the rest on catch-up so thanks for reminding me. They are all excellent series. The BBC at its best.
I did find their portrayal of the 70's a bit off. They focused on the negatives - bread strikes power cuts fuel shortages but TBH as a percentage of the decade this was only a tiny slice but to anyone watching the program [who didn't know better] we spent half of our time in darkness with sawdust bread and no fuel - rubbish. As for the food well they fell into the usual trap of the superior sniggering - no it wasn't perfect but it is a fact that there were less dietary problems back then than now despite all our 'food wisdom' and 'healthy eating'
We get very few UK/BBC programs here. Mostly US spoon-fed cr*p
Are there any new comedy programs similar to Red Dwarf/Little Britain/Ali-G/HHGG out lately? (that one might download) :whistling:
TIA! :)
Sounds like a neat show.

I can't wait for Mark Burnett to steal the idea and create an American version.
Sounds like a neat show.

I can't wait for Mark Burnett to steal the idea and create an American version.
That would be interesting - from the pioneer days in the west right through to the cities of 21'st century - now that would be a contrast. It would also be interesting to see who and when had the healthiest diet - something tells me that like here it wouldn't be now
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