Big hugs from the UK


Senior Member
12 Oct 2018
Local time
3:52 PM
Hey everyone, Michele here, I am looking forward to participating in this forum; I love to cook for my kids, spend time with them and travel. I always try new recipes on a monthly basis. Hugs!
Thank you @morning glory , I cook everything from soups to lasagne, shake and bake pork lions , rice based foods, sometimes bread, basically I try to mix everything up so my kids don't get bored of the food.
Haha, thank you for that :hug: any bread in particular that you like?

I think we love all types of bread here - and we are happy to have any recipes from you if you have them. Have a look at Baking, Bread Making and Cakes section to see what has been posted. I've been making ciabatta recently. Maybe I will start a general bread making thread to see what members are making...
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