Canning Salsa?

29 Dec 2014
Local time
11:59 AM
Dallas, Texas
I recently tried The Pioneer Woman's restaurant-style salsa recipe and love it! The only thing is it makes quite a bit of salsa in one batch. Can I can salsa to keep it longer, and if so, how would I go about it?

The ingredients are pretty basic:
28 oz can of whole tomatoes
2 cans of Rotel
1 jalapeno
1 onion
1 garlic clove
lime juice

Thanks for your help!
Pioneer Woman has some great recipes. I've used several of hers at one time or another.
I can my own tomatoes as well as a version of condensed tomato soup every year. I make a lot of salsa, but don't like to can it. I prefer to make it by the jar--mainly because most recipes for canning salsa require added vinegar when you have onions or peppers in the mix. And, of course, if you don't have onions and peppers in the mix it isn't salsa anymore. Neither, do I think, does vinegar belong in the salsa. So, I just make my salsa as I go.
You can, of course, can the salsa if you want to. I think if I were going to I'd at least double the recipe first to make it worthwhile, then just look up some directions for water bath canning. It isn't hard; but I think you'd probably do better just to halve the recipe if you don't want so much.
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