Recipe Cauliflower Pizza


30 Jan 2015
Local time
8:30 PM
Great video on cauliflower pizza

Has anyone had cauliflower pizza? it looks good.

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Haven't tried it, but sure looks interesting. Cauliflower is becoming a very popular healthy alternative ingredient, I'm seeing recipes all over the place. I did make an cauliflower alfredo sauce a few months ago that turned out really good, everyone really liked it and didn't even realize it was made from cauliflower. I'll have to find the recipe to remember how I did it!
I was attempting to share the video, it was very interesting as I have lately seen more and more information on how to use Cauliflower in meals. Cauliflower is not a food I have eaten very much of, there is a Cauliflower rice also.
Another recipe for trying to get kids to eat their veggies,make the topping more child friendly and it could be a winner :dance:
It's on my list of things to try because I like cauliflower, I love pizza, and I try to not eat too much bread. It's just a little labor intensive so I haven't gotten around to it yet. I need to get one of those things you use outdoors that converts a grill into a pizza oven. That might make me a bit more inclined.
I've actually heard good things from people I know about these cauliflower pizza crusts, although I haven't yet made one myself. I wonder how moist the crust ends up being - I'm a little concerned it would be a little soggy for some reason (probably unfounded and just the way I am thinking of it!)
This is a curious recipe. Has anyone tried it? The pizza base has no flour but has cauliflower 'grains' which look a bit like couscous in my experience, plus an egg and mozzarella cheese. There is more cheese than cauliflower in the base. I'm thinking that this base couldn't possibly pass as a pizza base. More like a stiff cheesy vegetable omelette! But who knows, perhaps I'm wrong!
I haven't tried it, but surprisingly, everything I've heard is positive. I'm definitely going to try it out, not because of the calorie count, but because it's cauliflower. Cauliflower is one of my favorite vegetables, and I think it'll taste good as well as being healthy. I just feel like the crust may turn out slightly soggy, as it's not bread... But I guess I'll see when I try it!
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