Changing Tastes


19 Mar 2014
Local time
4:47 AM
Over the years, I have noticed that my tastes are gradually changing. Things that I once disliked I now enjoy and others I used to love I now won't eat. There are several factors that have affected what and how I eat. I have had four children and during each pregnancy I have gone off some foods and stopped eating them ever since. As I have got older I enjoy more spice in my food and love things that are really hot. I think part of this is adapting and building up a tolerance. Trying foods I have previously disliked but cooked in a different way has also widened the range of foods I eat.

Have your tastes changed over the years? If so, why do you think this is?
My tastes have absolutely changed over the years. I love spicy and exotic foods that I never enjoyed previously. I still have not developed a taste for raw tomatoes though. I think your taste buds just developed more as you get older.
My tastes have changes so much over the years. When I was little I have an aversion to eggs for some reason and I didn't eat them for many year. Even smelling them cooking made me feel a bit sick. Then I decided to become vegetarian and my food options were limited so I tried them again, very well cooked and I loved them! Now eggs are a staple of my diet, I eat them at least 3 times a week. Avocado is another one that I hated but now I love.
Over the years, I have noticed that my tastes are gradually changing. Things that I once disliked I now enjoy and others I used to love I now won't eat. There are several factors that have affected what and how I eat. I have had four children and during each pregnancy I have gone off some foods and stopped eating them ever since. As I have got older I enjoy more spice in my food and love things that are really hot. I think part of this is adapting and building up a tolerance. Trying foods I have previously disliked but cooked in a different way has also widened the range of foods I eat.

Have your tastes changed over the years? If so, why do you think this is?
Now that I eat heathy my taste buds are now craving for healthy foods. I never use to eat most of what I eat now. I'm glad I made the switch to a healthy lifestyle.
I want my taste to change. I have loved highly flavored food for years. Foods rich with flavors get me excited .

Because of some health concerns I have been advised to consider changing my approach to perhaps the kind of eating Kamarsun enjoys.

Just cooking with less "salt" is challenging but I know I have to make the change to save myself.
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