Cleaning solutions


Well-Known Member
22 Apr 2020
Local time
3:29 PM
I always seem to get burn marks or stains on my baking trays.
It only seems to happen if something burns on it, like oven chips.
I find it impossible to remove, usually requiring a brilo pad and extreme scrubbing.

I bought a new non stick pan and paid quite a bit for it, thinking it would have better non stick properties, but when I cooked potatoe wedges in there, once again bits of burned in the oil and left permanent stains.

I thought I could remove this tarnish with a method I used and loved to bring out my copper saucepans (lemon juice and salt) which is completely natural yet safe ingredients but worked fantastic. And unlike using a brilo pad didn't strip the surface of the pan, But even this didn't work on these stains.

I know it's only cosmetic really, I just prefer to keep things spic and span.

Looking forward to hearing your suggestions, for this or any other tricky cleaning jobs.
To be honest I've never found a pan that doesn't end up with some staining after a lot of use. My stainless steel pans are pretty good but have burnt marks on the undersides. I think maybe there is no ultimate solution.

I do tend to use baking parchment if I'm baking something like oven chips, which helps a bit.
Cover the pan with foil before use. You can spray the foil with cooking/baking spray. I never have to wash the pan, just throw the foil away. No stains.
Boiling water poured over can do wonders. You can also make a paste of baking soda and water, smear that on, and let it sit overnight, then a little elbow grease. That's how I clean my pots a couple of times a year.

An ounce of prevention, blah I do use parchment paper and foil here for most sheet pan work.
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