CookingBites Meet Ups


Forum GOD!
1 Feb 2018
Local time
12:01 AM
Ypsilanti, MI.
On my poker chip forum there is meet ups organized routinely all over the country (and even the world). I personally travel to three to four of them every year. Its an absolute blast. We eat, drink (lightly), trade poker chips, show off custom sets, and of course play poker.

I've been to probably 15 of these over the last five years and have never had a bad experience. Its a great way to meet new people with like minded hobbies.

Is this something that has been done on here before? or is the membership simply not big enough, plus spread out to far?

Anyways, I thought I would ask.
Far as I'm aware its never been done. The regular contributing membership is quite far flung so it would be difficult - but I've noticed a bit of a Detroit clan forming... :happy: No reason why not IMHO.
I'm on a site here in nz, it's a racing (horses with the sulky behind) and I've met a few guys on that site, in fact 1 guy that lives in Auckland (1 1/2 hr) flight away, I met about 12 years ago, he stays at my place when he's down here. And he looks after me when I'm up in Auckland . I've met about a dozen people through that site.

I think that meet-ups for Cooking Bites members is a great idea, and I've thought of it myself... imagine if a whole bunch of us got together, what a potluck we'd have! ;) Or, we could arrange meet-ups with a theme. Or here's another thought, video-conferenced-cooking challenges in public video-chat rooms, a la 'Iron Chef'-style!
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Or here's another thought, video-conferenced-cooking challenges in public video-chat rooms, a la 'Iron Chef'-style!

Fun as that might be, I have to say I have enough trouble getting members to participate in the The CookingBites Cookalongs which run for a month or more to allow time for folk to join in, let alone trying to co-ordinate a live event!
I used to go to plant trades organized on a online gardening group and i got to say they were great. But my local area had a good sized group of members that was posting there. Sadly that gardening website got sold to a larger company and has never been the same since.
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