Do you ever get an "Ear Worm"?


Legendary Member
14 Aug 2017
Local time
6:10 PM
Lafayette, LA. US
That song that keeps playing over and over in your head. I get those frequently. Today it is "Joy to the World". Not the entire song - just the first verse and chorus. I have Pandora playing loudly trying to get rid of this ear worm. No luck. Do you ever get ear worms?
No Dear. I have never had an ear worm or ear worms ..

Though, I just got over a terrible head (nasal) cold with feverish and stomach symptoms .. Though I did not run a fever, I felt horrendous. Caught it from a workmate and the whole office had it in varying degrees .. I had to go to my Doctor and was on three prescription medications for 20 days .. and all types of herbal and grand-mothers´ remedies .. It attacked my nasal and stomach .. I was working at home part time as I was just besides myself .. I detest these viruses ..

Have a lovely weekend ..
Yes! Some of them are quite bazaar :o_o:

A couple of weeks ago we were at a gig and the band China Crisis had us singing 'ba ba ba doo ah' it is still rattling around. Either that or the Frog Chorus- we all stand together :giggle:
Unfortunately, whenever I seem to get a song in my head (usually prompted by something someone said or some other event), it's usually something utterly appalling. Altogether:

Ra ra Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen,
There was a cat that really was gone.

See what I mean?
@Lullabelle started a thread on Christmas songs. I posted a reply with Manheim Steamroller's arrangement of Silent Night. That is my current Ear Worm. Actually not so bad. A beautiful piece of music.
"Merry Christmas Everyone", by Shakin Stevens. Is there no escape? As ear worms go it could be worse. It could be much better though.
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