Do you have a drink while you’re cooking?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
9:51 PM
Ohio, US
I’m making an entry for the garlic challenge, so I cracked open the wine we’re having with supper (a Chianti), and having a bit while I cook. I (seriously) find that it keeps me…centered?…focused?…calm?…while I’m prepping and cooking - it makes me slow down a little and keeps me from becoming too frantic while I’m at it.

How about you all? A glass of wine? A beer? A cocktail? A soda pop? Tea? Coffee? Big ol’ bottle of water?

Or do you prefer to go without a bevvie during stovetop time?
It's five o'clock somewhere!
I crack open a bottle of wine every evening and slowly enjoy it through out making dinner and then into the night, until it's gone... I'm in Fooodie 's camp.
I'm retired, I'm not going anywhere, I don't have to go to work in the morning, so who cares! I like my wine!
I’m making an entry for the garlic challenge, so I cracked open the wine we’re having with supper (a Chianti), and having a bit while I cook. I (seriously) find that it keeps me…centered?…focused?…calm?…while I’m prepping and cooking - it makes me slow down a little and keeps me from becoming too frantic while I’m at it.

How about you all? A glass of wine? A beer? A cocktail? A soda pop? Tea? Coffee? Big ol’ bottle of water?

Or do you prefer to go without a bevvie during stovetop time?
You could have posted a poll! But yes. Evening meals nearly always I'm drinking something with alcohol in it..
In most cases I will have a glass of water. It's a habit of mine, when I am home, regardless if I am cooking or reading or whatever else.

Depending on the time of day it may be a vitamin c dissolved in water, or a decaff coffee.

In other words, very boring😆.

Counting the number of times I have an alcohol drink per year, thinking hard, 1. Or at most 2, 3 is a strange year.😄
Sometimes but not often. I do really enjoy a drink while cooking but I think I have weeny bit of an additive personality. If I find anything I enjoy I'll do it to excess.

Fortunately I've always seemed to be firmly in command of myself but there's definitely some sneaky little bugger in my head somewhere whispering well if two was fun then three would be even better wouldn't it? So three WAS really good, how about four? Dare you, double dare you library girl 😆

So I can't let that naughty person be in charge too often cos there would be carnage 🤣
It's five o'clock somewhere!
I crack open a bottle of wine every evening and slowly enjoy it through out making dinner and then into the night, until it's gone... I'm in Fooodie 's camp.
I'm retired, I'm not going anywhere, I don't have to go to work in the morning, so who cares! I like my wine!
You're living the life of my dreams. When's my pension coming?
How about you all? A glass of wine? A beer? A cocktail? A soda pop? Tea? Coffee? Big ol’ bottle of water?

I love to have a bourbon when I am cooking something on the grill. Especially something that is going to take an hour or so.

Do you listen to music when you are prepping cooking? I do, I love to listen to some of my death metal. For some reason, it helps keep me on track!
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