Do You Play Any Musical Instruments?


10 Dec 2014
Local time
4:30 PM
Georgia, USA
I have a mandolin and a fiddle I'm in the beginning process of learning to play. I also have a mountain dulcimer that I've had for several years and can play pretty fair now. I have, too, a wooden flute that I like and do well enough on a keyboard.
I have a kitchen/dining room combo with a lot of windows and I keep a nice keyboard in there by a double one (window). Often, while waiting for something to finish on the stove or in the oven I will slip over there and play on the keyboard while looking out the windows at my (or my neighbor's) horses and goats.
I'm not great on any instrument, but I enjoy playing and I find that it is a very peaceful occupation for the mind and the hands.
Do you play anything? Or, if not, are you thinking you'd like to?
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