Does anyone on here suffer with hayfever?


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
4:36 AM
Leicester UK
I appear to be very lucky as I am ok but I know quite a few people who really suffer at this time of year.

I do get snuffly but an ENT specialist suggested buying a product called Sterimar, it is for congestion relief and it works a treat. I always buy some around this time of year, I bought some this morning because I was getting really quite snuffly which in turn makes me a bit croaky.

Anyone else on here have issues once summer starts?
I used to suffer quite badly in childhood, but thankfully I am only troubled rarely these days. I recall having an allergy test done when I was about 12 or 13 and sitting at the GP practice with my arms covered in pin pricks to establish what I was allergic to. The answer was grass pollen and nettles. I underwent a course of injections - I think it was one a week for three months over two years - and I never had anything like the same problem after that. This was a considerable relief (in more ways than one) because I used to play a lot of cricket and it's rather hard to avoid grass.
Never as a child but every year in the last twenty years or so. Doctors solution worked up to a point - I didn't sneeze much but the stuff dried out my nose so much it bled. Now I just use a proprietary decongestant and put up with it for a month.
No, but I do have 'severe' photoptarmosis, although at least I only get it for about five minutes or so when going from dark to light.
:eek: what is that?
It's a 'fit' of uncontrollable sneezing when moving from indoors or somewhere darker into bright sunlight. I sneeze and my eyes and nose water. I can even set it off sometimes just looking at a bright light in a room. Once I've sneezed 5 to 10 times I'm ok for a while until it resets. Wearing sunglasses definitely helps.
It's also known as sun sneezing or, I kid you not, ACHOO. It's something to do with the photic nerve. It's not harmful or life threatening, just annoying.
For many years I thought I had hay fever.
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