Easiest vegetable/fruit to grow


28 Nov 2014
Local time
12:07 PM
"Easy" is a relative term. I mean as little work as possible, and not a lot of hands-on. I feel tomatoes are easy, but it takes a long time for them to grow to maturity. Lettuce is fast growing, but you have to watch closely for pests.
Lettuce, strawberries, and green onions have always been really easy for me with little to no problems.
I have heard that lettuce is quite easy to grow, yet I have never grown any in my garden. Maybe my husband is concerned about the pest problem. I have yielded lots tomatoes but have had some issues with spots that made me very uncomfortable. I am learning as I go along.
Throughout the time all types of lettuce have been quite easy for me, no pest problems save for a single terrorist chicken of mine. Tomatoes are always a success but they do need work with securing the plants and what not.
Zucchini has always been quite easy to grow in my garden, never fuss over it much and it always gives me a great yield, much better than other squash like plants.
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