Easiest Vegetables to Grow


19 Mar 2014
Local time
5:02 PM
I am thinking about starting to grow a few of my own vegetables and use them in my cooking. My garden is paved over at the back, so I will probably be using planters. I live in the UK and the weather can be changeable. What are the easiest vegetables to grow?
Carrots are idiot proof and do well in planters especially as we have the carrot fly here. They fly about 12 inches or so off the ground so by growing carrots in planters, the little devils can't get them. Really easy to grow.
Lettuce and carrots are both really easy and totally doable in planters!
I was researching this a while back and came across a few videos of people saying that baby carrots and lettuce are fairly easy to maintain. Some of them were even growing the lettuce indoors using artificial lighting. I hope to do it one day myself when I get enough room in the house.
I was researching this a while back and came across a few videos of people saying that baby carrots and lettuce are fairly easy to maintain. Some of them were even growing the lettuce indoors using artificial lighting. I hope to do it one day myself when I get enough room in the house.

Carrots can be grown in a large plant pot, and lettuce only takes about 6 weeks to become quite big and you only need a shallow tray.
Tomatoes and cucumbers are the easiest vegetables to grow. I planted chives next to them. I heard chives ward off pests. My aunt plants hot peppers next to her tomatoes. She said peppers ward off chipmunks.
I am new to gardening, and I prefer growing vegetables than flowers. Right now, I am growing tomatoes, eggplants, and okras from seeds. They are very easy to grow and are not vines unlike cucumbers. You can even grow them in containers!
I heard that lettuce is low maintenance and it grows quickly. You will get a faster turnover.
This is a great thread. One of my goals for next year is to start growing my own vegetables. I'm glad that cucumbers are easy to grow because they are my favorite. I'm glad that they can be grown in containers. I purchased a Kindle book on container gardening but haven't read it yet.
In my experience, tomatoes are the easiest vegetable to grow. My mother even grows them and she doesn't have much direct sunlight at all. She doesn't get as many or as big tomatoes as people who have lots of sun, but they still grow pretty well and taste great. I highly recommend the cherry tomatoes, they seem to produce really, really well.
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