Recipe Easy low cal vanilla pudding bake ( optional raspberry sauce)


Kitchen Witch
29 Jul 2019
Local time
12:11 PM
The Netherlands
Wanted a nice sweet treat that wasn't too high in calories so I made one myself.


500 g low fat Greek yoghurt
2 large eggs
250 ml skim milk
1 vanilla pudding packet ( 38 g)
Vanilla essence or powder
Sweetener of choice ( I used stevia) to taste

Optional raspberry sauce:
300 g raspberries, blitzed to a pulp
100 g sugar or sugar substitute according to the package instructions ( I used stevia)

1) Preheat oven to 160 degrees celicius.
2)Mix the yoghurt, milk, vanilla powder, eggs and pudding mix until firm with a mixer.
3) Add the sugar or substitute and mix well until thick and glossy.
4) Pour into small ( about 25 cm) oven dish
5) Bake for 60 minutes and let set over night in the fridge. Serve with raspberry sauce.

Raspberry sauce:
1) Put blitzed raspberries in a saucepan with Sweetener of choice.
2) Gently bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
3) Boil for 10 minutes and let cool completely before pouring it into a jar.
Serve cold.

A serving is about 200 cal, the pudding contains 4 servings. With sauce 250.
What's in the vanilla pudding packet? I've never used one, so have no idea what I'd need to replace it with.
Gelatin is a fine option too, or agar agar. It's basically just a gelling agent plus some extra vanilla aroma. You might need some cornflour too as it has added potato starch.
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