Ebola outbreak; What do you think about it?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
4:33 PM
Brighton, MA.
What do y'all think about the Ebola virus?

Do you think that the gov't is doing enough to contain or stop it from spreading around?

I personally don't think that it is doing enough. Thomas Eric Duncan was the first one to die from the disease on American soil! And that was after the hospital he was in, sent him home with a fever of 103!!

Do you think that there will be others? :eek:
To be honest, I think I'd be a bit more worried if I were living in Liberia or Sierra Leone.

Funny how it only becomes an issue once on the shores of the US!
A man in Germany has just died from the disease.

A plane from Lybreria to Boston was screened because it was thought to have sick passenger onboard. It was a false alarm. :eek:
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Ebola seems to be a very serious illness. Not many people seem to survive after contracting it. It seems as though enough is not really known about it. At first they were saying it is not air borne, and now they are not quite sure. I would hope no-one else in the U.S. contracts the disease. I live in the Caribbean and many people from the U.S. are always travelling to these destinations. I would not like to see the disease become an epidemic, either in the U.S. or the Caribbean. I would hope that like other epidemics in the past, that it would soon phase itself out and that we would hear of no more cases in this part of the world nor elsewhere.
I think it's pretty bad news for the African countries that are already being affected by it. Poor sanitation and public health knowledge mean it's unlikely to subside for quite a while there. For us lucky westerners I don't think it has to be of a big concern. Health screening upon entry to our countries will help keep cases to a minimum. Any cases that do occur will be dealt with correctly as well helping to prevent any further spread.
It was once said to have been eating away at the flesh of its victims. I don't know if that is true or not. :eek:
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