Food for Thought


Legendary Member
14 Aug 2017
Local time
1:56 PM
Lafayette, LA. US
I hope this thread offends no one. I have had doubts about posting this. I decided to do so because I believe that change comes from each person making one small act of kindness everyday. Kindness and understanding go hand and hand. I will not even give you a link. If you are interested you can Google it. This series of videos touched me deeply. Emmanuel Acho is a former NFL player. Not a star. He is educated, well spoken and currently working as an analyst for Fox Sports. Emmanuel made his first video in response to questions asked by his white friends after George Floyd's death. He is not confrontational. He does not lay blame. He speaks frankly about what it is like to be black. There are ten or eleven videos. If you are interested and can watch these videos with an open mind please do so. Google Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man. The conversations are uncomfortable. My biggest take away is that having white skin allows me to live unconsciously. If you watch the videos you will get what I mean.
As adults we should be able to talk openly about many things. At those days the events were unfolding, I watched a Mike Ritland Podcast with two of his fellow former Navy Seals who are black. Brilliant and open and very smart discussion. The Navy Seal community does not care about the skin colour, it cares about results.

That is a good starting point.

My personal belief is very much the same, it is who you are as a person, regardless of skin, sex, religion, nationality, appearance, etc.
My perspective comes from living in a rather multi-cultural neighborhood. There are about 12 houses on my street. Three households are black (including both of my next door neighbors), two households are Asian, and one is Middle Eastern (they moved in during Covid, so we have only waved in passing, so I don't know exactly what their national origin is).

I know I get treated differently around town.

I'll try to find time to watch that series.

Thank you CD. Let me know if your heart is touched. There are 10 or 11 videos. Each one is short - 20 to 30 minutes.
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