Food waste (or waste not)

I’ve candied orange peel before, but that’s about it.
And zest.
Anyone has any other ideas, or done any of the described parts..
Somehow I do not see me using banana peel, except for the compost heap
I know I can't see them, but there are likely quite a few fruit fly eggs in those peels. Knowing that makes them a bit unap "peel" ing to me, LOL.
Eat the peel: Why you might be throwing away the best bit of your fruit
I don't think I'll be eating banana skins or making candied orange peel, although I occasionally make orange marmalade and all the peel goes in.
For the pineapple skin; yes, there's a Venezuelan use for that. It's called guarapo de piña (piña is pineapple) and basically, it's the same as the Mexican version. My MIL used to make it.
If you leave it for 5-6 days in the fridge, it becomes pretty potent.
Most fruit/vegetable skin goes into the compost.
Used to have a compost pile but the ants always move in so I just strew leftover pieces about the garden; hopefully where I won't step on it when it gets mushy...
Can’t access the article which I’ve had before on 🤷‍♀️ so I might be going off at a tangent but asparagus stems where they become woody and usually get snapped off and discarded when really that part just needs peeling down.
Cauliflower stem (peeled) and leaves cut smaller cook in the same time as the florets and taste good.
Same with the broccoli stem.
Herb stems like coriander usually get binned as the leaf is often added at the end of the cook, often sprinkled on top but the stems can be finely chopped and successfully cooked into the main dish.
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Herb stems like coriander usually get binned as the leaf is often added at the end of the cook, often sprinkled on top but the stems can be finely chopped and successfully cooked into the main dish.
Unless I'm going for some fancy pancy garnish, I use both parsley and coriander stems. slightly different flavour (a bit stronger, maybe?) but definitely a wonderfully contrasting texture.
I use coriander stems all the time.
Just finely chopped and with a little cooking time left.
Top & tails of green beans go to the dogs, same as carrot peel and potato peels. It goes in their rice.
I'm not a fan of brocoli or cauliflower, but if I do use it, I do use the stems.

I eat the core of the pineapple, the stem end of potatoes and all of that, so I am actually a living compost bin
Same here. And if I've cut them up ready to serve or stream and serve, when my OH gets home I can guarantee that half will vanish before making it to the plate.
MrsT doesn’t like them at all, so they’re all for me. When I’m buying broccoli, I usually try and get stemmy ones.
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