

Über Member
17 May 2022
Local time
12:59 PM
I have just come across this apparent trend of “fridgescaping” - decorating the inside of your fridge - and I must admit, I’m completely baffled: TikTok’s Latest Decor Craze Has People Putting Antiques and Chanel Bags in Their Refrigerators

I think people should be able to do whatever makes them happy, but this strikes me as terribly impractical. I can’t imagine going to grab something from the fridge and having to move a vase full of flowers or a framed picture to get to it! Plus refrigerator space is often at a premium - adding more stuff to the inside of my fridge seems like a terrible idea.

What are your thoughts?
Now that I’ve gone and read the article and watched the TikTok, I’ll add that I’m all for doing something like ditching crappy plastic leftovers containers for something more substantial and pretty, like nicely-decorated ceramic - that’s no different than having nicely-decorated baking dishes, IMO.

But things simply for show, like a vase of flowers, or a framed picture…those just take up precious space.
For me a fridge is a practical tool and things will be stored in it according to what they are not what they look like eg raw meat will always be in the bottom, jars that don't really have to be fridged go at the top because it's the warmest shelf, root veg and anything that needs to be cooked will be down near the meat shelf so any potential cross infection is irrelevant, soft herbs and anything that will be eaten uncooked has it's own shelves and risky perishables like smoked salmon or packets of cooked meat will be stored towards the back.

Tbh if I opened a friends fridge and saw that stuff in it I'd be a bit concerned about the state of their mental health.
Mindblowing, in the wrong direction, who could have come up with something like that? But no, am not for it.
It would feel awkward to put a vase or a bag into the fridge/freezer...

As many of you said, if they (tik tokkers) have that much spare time and energy, they would be welcome to volunteer with elderly or homeless in need, who may not even have a precious fridge on disposal, and must rely on canned or fresh food...

I've never thought of the homeless/fridge problem until it came up in a reportage.

How about donating extra fridge space forfree to those in need? I donno how, but would be way more useful, amd humanistic, I reckon.

If a precious bag is no longer needed, then they may sell it and donate the proceeds to a local public will feed many for the month.
I have just come across this apparent trend of “fridgescaping” - decorating the inside of your fridge - and I must admit, I’m completely baffled: TikTok’s Latest Decor Craze Has People Putting Antiques and Chanel Bags in Their Refrigerators

I think people should be able to do whatever makes them happy, but this strikes me as terribly impractical. I can’t imagine going to grab something from the fridge and having to move a vase full of flowers or a framed picture to get to it! Plus refrigerator space is often at a premium - adding more stuff to the inside of my fridge seems like a terrible idea.

What are your thoughts?
I think it's for people who don't cook and don't buy groceries. They must dine out mostly.
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