Recipe Garlic Gnocchi


Well-Known Member
30 Oct 2022
Local time
6:42 PM
SF Bay Area
One of the first pasta dishes I can remember eating as a kid aside from classic Spaghetti is Gnochi. There’s so many different ways to make it as well as different shapes and sizes. I always loved how easily these could be made, how delicious they taste and how each one is different from the previous.



450 g (1 lb) Yukon gold (or regular gold) potatoes.
1 egg yolk
1/4 tsp. fine sea salt
2 garlic cloves pound into a paste (or use store bought paste)
85 g Tipo 00 flour (or all purpose flour), plus more as needed
Semolina or rice flour, for dusting

Boil the potatoes, skin on, until tender about 25 minutes. Pierce with a small knife to check for doneness; if slips out with ease, the potatoes are ready. Boiling these with the skin on helps keep the inside dry. We don’t want wet soggy potato.

Once cool enough to handle, but still warm: peel off the skin and then pass through a potato ricer over a large, wide bowl. Allow the steam to evaporate and dry the potato further.

Form a well in the center of the potatoes. Add the egg yolk, salt, garlic and sprinkle some of the flour on top. Gently mix a few times with a fork to combine, gradually adding the rest of the flour as you go. Once the dough starts to stick together (but is not yet a ball) stop. You’re going to finish by hand.

With your hands, gently bring the dough together to form a cohesive ball. You’re basically smushing the dough together. You do not need to “work” or knead the dough (this is not pasta or bread dough). The texture should feel soft, warm and smooth- like a giant mashed potato ball. If it’s notably sticky, add a sprinkle of flour. Cover with an upturned bowl and let rest for 10 minutes (do not skip this step- the dough will be easier to roll out).

Cut the dough ball into 4 equal pieces. Roll one piece into a 10-12 inch (25-30 cm) log. Cut across into 20-22 gnocchi, about 1/2-inch (1.25 cm) in size to create little “pillows.”Transfer to a sheet pan dusted in rice flour or semolina flour to prevent sticking. Repeat with the remaining pieces.

Add your Gnocchi to a pot of rapidly boiling salted water. When they start to float they are done. Toss with your favorite sauce.
That last picture is gorgeous!
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