[Mod.edit: This and the few following posts have been moved to form a new topic (MG).]
I've spent a few weeks searching ancestry sites. It has been so thrilling that I've lost all track on cooking (= having a short break from kitchen activities & waiting for graduation on Dec 20th). Thanks to earlier researchers, free genealogy sites, church(y) records and scanned microfilms, I've found all paternal and maternal family lines online - some of them extending to the 16th century. Most ancestors were smallholding hosts or farmers (and sporadic dogsbodies/servants) without formal education or high posts. The most shocking news was that my late dad's grandfather - a blacksmith's handyman - had joined the reds
during the Finnish civil war in 1917-1918. I don't know if my dad or other members of the family even knew that; they never spoke about it. The records don't show whether he was involved in some kind of mischief or activism or if he was just an innocent victim of circumstances, facing war time terror: he was shot to death by opposing whites (right wingers) in his home parish. He was in his 30's, married and had one son (my grandfather), whose fate was to be killed in WW2. The war records show that dad's father served in car troops and died on front but wasn't killed by the Russians (enemy action). He's buried in a formal soldier's grave, so he probably didn't commit suicide. I've been told that he died in an ambush, but probably the death was caused by a car accident or a sudden bout of illness. The car troop journal/diary (which is also microfilmed) has no markings of his actions, accidents or enemy incidents on his date of death.
Summa summarum: my ancestors are from Rääkkylä village in Eastern Finland, from Kuru parish in modern Ylöjärvi, from Linnainen and Häijää villages near Tampere and from Mäntyharju, Vesivehmaa, Heinola and Vähä-Pulkkila close to Lahti. No wonder I´ve taken root in this area, as most ancestors have lived in the vicinity for several centuries.
From the Geni site, I found a humoristic pic of my maternal granddad (a sausage company owner and wholesale entrepreneur, whom I never met, as he was 36 yrs older than my grandmother). He wasn't a nazi but definitely bogarted the well-known moustache.
Is anyone of you interested in genealogy? I'd love to hear all kinds of stories (in addition to those already heard).
I've spent a few weeks searching ancestry sites. It has been so thrilling that I've lost all track on cooking (= having a short break from kitchen activities & waiting for graduation on Dec 20th). Thanks to earlier researchers, free genealogy sites, church(y) records and scanned microfilms, I've found all paternal and maternal family lines online - some of them extending to the 16th century. Most ancestors were smallholding hosts or farmers (and sporadic dogsbodies/servants) without formal education or high posts. The most shocking news was that my late dad's grandfather - a blacksmith's handyman - had joined the reds

Summa summarum: my ancestors are from Rääkkylä village in Eastern Finland, from Kuru parish in modern Ylöjärvi, from Linnainen and Häijää villages near Tampere and from Mäntyharju, Vesivehmaa, Heinola and Vähä-Pulkkila close to Lahti. No wonder I´ve taken root in this area, as most ancestors have lived in the vicinity for several centuries.
From the Geni site, I found a humoristic pic of my maternal granddad (a sausage company owner and wholesale entrepreneur, whom I never met, as he was 36 yrs older than my grandmother). He wasn't a nazi but definitely bogarted the well-known moustache.
Is anyone of you interested in genealogy? I'd love to hear all kinds of stories (in addition to those already heard).
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