Recipe Gluten free Empanadas with quinoa and pork


Legendary Member
6 Mar 2021
Local time
3:37 AM
Zagreb, Croatia


2 cups flour (400 g of flour, plus about 150 to 200 g more for later), I used 300g of corn flour and 100g of millet flour
3 eggs
2 teaspoons salt
2 tablespoons water
2 teaspoons of guar and 30 to 50 ml of water, mixed well ( I used a milk frother)


200 g of ground pork meat ( beef and turkey would work too)
1 onion
1 or 2 red bell peppers ( you can use any peppers, even hot ones)
2 tablespoons of lard ( or oil of your choice)
4 pinches of salt
4 pinches of black pepper

100 g dry Quinoa
300 to 400 ml water
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1/2 teaspoon red paprika powder
1/2 teaspoon curry mix powder

300 ml of frying oil

1 tablespoon of honey
20 ml of soy sauce (or to taste)
1/4 of a lemon fresh juice


Place quinoa in a pot with water, add the spices, and let it cook for about 20 minutes, or until ready. Set aside.

Dice the onion and peppers, sauté, add the meat and brown, stirring when needed. Allow to cool.

Mix the quinoa and the meat, that is your filling.

Dissolve guar in tepid water, frothing until gel/paste like. Whisk the eggs, mix in the dry ingredients, add water and guar. Knead. At this point adding more and more flour is needed. The dough is eventually holding together, feels dry.

As you know from baking gluten free goods, not easy to handle, so you may want to divide the dough in 4 parts, and keep the unrolled dough in the fridge, until you are ready to roll the next part.

From here on it is more fun. Keep sprinkling/ flouring the dough generously, as it tends to stick pieces to the rolling pin.

Roll out to about 5mm thickness. Use a bowl or a glass to cut out circles.

Place 1 tablespoon of filling onto the circle. Fold and seal. Use fingers and a spoon or the back of the knife, or a fork, whatever works.

The pastry will crack, use small pieces of dough to patch, and carve out patterns over the patch.

Heat the frying oil.

Transfer 2 by 2 Empanadas and fry about 2,3 minutes on each side. They hold and crisp up very well during frying.

Dip and enjoy!

Looks great. How did the pastry taste?
Thanks! Honestly, undersalted to me, but that is where the dip with soy sauce came in perfect. Recipe posted has the corrected amount of salt😄

I do like a tad saltier food, so follow your desires/habits with salting the dough...

Texture, crisp, the edges, crackery, the inner parts were softer, more flexible...the part shelled around the filling was the softest...

(But not cracking one's teeth crackery...)

Overall, I love corn, so anything corn is lovely to me.

Even daughter had them, which, to me, is almost certificate level of approval😅😆

I think I would try other flour ratios and other flours, but not spelt, I don't digest spelt well lately...

And other fillings...

Supercool dish. Time demanding, or maybe I was slow, but 👌
Good looking empanada. I had never heard of guar so looked it up. Interesting plant. Dipping sauce sounds really good as well.
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