Good morning:


Senior Member
27 Nov 2017
Local time
7:30 PM
Lincolnshire, UK
Hi everyone
Just joined the forum and look forward to reading all about your wider food experiences, for myself I am a self confessed lover of all food, and will try anything once!! My preferences are for preparing and making good wholesome food, experimenting along the way, but certainly steering well clear of dodgy ingredients, hence I grow as much as is possible, and when I source food I always try to use locally produced and therefore reliable ingredients.
I make many Italian meals from what you could term "cucina povera," as my Italian culinary skills were honed by my late Italian mother's side, and much of her cookery emanates from the North Eastern part of Italy (Friuli Giulia Venezia) where she lived in a small mountain hamlet with no electricity or gas, so all cooking was performed on wood burning ranges, and was indeed delicious, and the community was almost totally self sufficient up to the mid 1950's.
I do try sometimes to use a gas BBQ to simulate some of that form of cooking, sometimes successfully but at other times disastrous, but if you never try then you will never know what may have been!
Sorry for the long introduction, I am looking forward to reading and participating with the forum, and will try not to turn into a forum stalker, best regards all
Welcome! Please check out the Challenges Forum for what I think is the most consistently fun part of this forum. Just lurk at first and see what people are posting to create a spark for you, if you like. Or, dive in head-first if you want. You'll find that the people on this forum are the most supporting and non-judgmental that you'll find anywhere (trust me...I've tried other forums, and I know!)
A belated :welcome:. I missed your original post. DITTO @The Late Night Gourmet. The competitions and challenges are a great way to get your feet wet. I love Italian cooking and look forward to your contributions. Glad to hear that you garden. In my part f the world I am blessed with a very long growing season. In fact I need to get seeds started for spring planting - mid March.

@Toffeeapple - you have been quiet. Hope you have not abandoned us. :happy:
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