Greetings from the Black Forest

Welcome to CookingBites @Markus-O . :welcome: I don't believe we have any regular members in Germany - but there are quite a few here who are interested in German cuisine. Please feel free to join in wherever you wish. We aim to be a friendly community and we love new members! We have a regular thread: What did you cook or eat today (June 2019)? and we also usually have some fun challenges going on - see here.

What types of food do you cook @Markus-O? Are you interested in a particular type of cuisine?
Welcome to CookingBites @Markus-O . :welcome: I don't believe we have any regular members in Germany - but there are quite a few here who are interested in German cuisine. Please feel free to join in wherever you wish. We aim to be a friendly community and we love new members! We have a regular thread: What did you cook or eat today (June 2019)? and we also usually have some fun challenges going on - see here.

What types of food do you cook @Markus-O? Are you interested in a particular type of cuisine?
Hello morning glory and thank you for the welcome. I'm interested in North American cooking. Comfort food. A decent burger, Mac & Cheese things like that. Although it can be a challenge at times to find ingredients. Oh and a good pizza dough.


Welcome to Cooking Bites - the Black Forest is one of my favourite areas of Germany. In fact we weren't far from you on our previous holiday on the day we travelled from Meersburg to Riquewihr: we crossed the Rhein at Marckolsheim after stopping in Triberg so hubby could have a Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte :cake:
Marckolsheim is about a 30min drive from us. We are the first village east of Rust (Europa Park).
Welcome, I studied German at high school for 2 years. I helped some German tourists when I was dining in a hotel 3 hrs away from here. They couldn't read the menu, I helped them to order. I hope to visit there one day.

Although I'm of German decent, I've never been there. Grew up on my oma's cooking until she passed. On my birthday, I usually make her sauerbraten mitt kartoffelklosse und rotkohl dinner. I had to be creative as her original recipe was lost in 2004 when hurricane Charlie destroyed my oldest brother's (RIP) home.
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