
It is Joisey, and half the people there work in NY. My cousin used to until he made a fatal mistake on the motorcycle. Damn he had a good pizza place, it was a bar called Dante's.

But yeah, he was happy to take the ride instead of paying parking - on a motorcycle - in NY.

I got a joke about NY if anyone is interested and a Joiseyite may relate well...

Guy walks into a bank and puts up his Mazerati as collateral for a ten grand loan. They take it of course, ;the car is worth at least twenty times that.

He gets back and shows up, pay off the loan plus interest which was for a month only like 1.8%, The guy at the bank said "While you were away we checked you out and you are a millionaire and had no need for a loan, why did you do it ? He relied "Where else can I park an expensive car in NY and expect it to be there in a month for $180 ?.

Anyway, welcome, bring on your weirdest, we are ready.

The feelings of safety in a bank...😎😄
It is Joisey, and half the people there work in NY. My cousin used to until he made a fatal mistake on the motorcycle. Damn he had a good pizza place, it was a bar called Dante's.

But yeah, he was happy to take the ride instead of paying parking - on a motorcycle - in NY.

I got a joke about NY if anyone is interested and a Joiseyite may relate well...

Guy walks into a bank and puts up his Mazerati as collateral for a ten grand loan. They take it of course, ;the car is worth at least twenty times that.

He gets back and shows up, pay off the loan plus interest which was for a month only like 1.8%, The guy at the bank said "While you were away we checked you out and you are a millionaire and had no need for a loan, why did you do it ? He relied "Where else can I park an expensive car in NY and expect it to be there in a month for $180 ?.

Anyway, welcome, bring on your weirdest, we are ready.

My husband snorted his rum and coke out of his nose when I read that to him. He used to do a lot of business in the city, LOL.
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