Grilled Cheese sandwiches


24 Oct 2013
Local time
12:00 PM
Okay, I know they are some of the most simple sandwiches ever made, but they are so good! My husband is a Chef in a restaurant and in classic chef fashion more nights than not we end up eating "chef" food... grilled cheese sandwiches and cereal.

Sometimes we jazz them up with tomatoes and jalapenos or bacon. ;)
Nothing like grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup on a cold winter day. I usually make mine on the griddle and add some sort of meat to it like bacon or deli ham slices. Simple, yet comfort food.
I have recently discovered grilled cheese made with mozzarella, tomato and basil. So delicious. It's a fast and easy meal that satisfies.
Tara, that sounds delicious! I will definitely have to try that one day. I have always wanted to come up with one that used fresh spinach or kale too. No reason to skip your veggies even if you are eating comfort food! :)
The first year we were married, we made grilled cheese and tomato soup every Sunday for lunch. It was an awesome tradition that I looked forward to.

Then we had children, and for some reason it kind of died.

Now, when we have the stuff and think about it, my husband and I get all nostalgic for our first year of marriage.

My 2nd daughter weirdly doesn't like grilled cheese much, but she loves when I slap a slice of sharp cheddar between two toasted pieces of bread. I love it. It's even easier and less clean up than grilled cheese.
Grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches are what we make. Mum brought us up on them, and I still make them every now and then. But they have to be cut up into quarters for easy nibbling! :hungry:
Grilled cheese sandwiches are a food almost everyone loves, including myself. The way I add texture to my grilled cheese sandwiches are by adding a slice of tomato inside. I learned this trick from a deli.
I like them but I could never have one without some meat in it! Most kinds of meats work really well, I just put whatever meat I have to put on normal sandwiches.
I also recommend adding a bit of onion to grilled cheese sandwiches. Alternatively, I remember growing up that my mom would often add cream style corn and or tomato to the grilled cheese sandwiches she made me. :)

As for a strange sounding mix, my dad would make grilled cheese and spaghetti sandwiches, which are common place in New Zealand. However, the spaghetti wasn't Italian styled spaghetti, it was a canned type of tomato spaghetti made in New Zealand which was a household name. It's something like Marmite (spread like the Australian's Vegemite), that only kiwis tend to appreciate ha ha. :laugh:
I'm a purist. I love just a plain grilled cheese on Texas Toast with American Cheese and Tomato soup, of course. I know that American Cheese is not very good for me because it's so processed. Technically, it's not even a true cheese. But it's just so good. :D
American Cheese really isn't all that bad for you - it's just been emulsified with extra water to make it melt better and not separate. The resulting processing however makes it taste more bland. But in many cases, the overall ingredients are still rather similar to regular cheese - unless you are getting some really cheap brand, or a lower fat variety with fillers. I've heard throwing a slice or two of it into a cheese sauce will help keep the other cheeses from separating too.

My favorite grilled cheese is with smoked provolone and sharp cheddar, on some crusty Italian bread with either butter or mayo on the exterior. Believe it or not, mayo works great on the outside of the sandwich when frying it. It gives it a great tangy flavor and a nice golden color. Some people are often worried it will be too greasy, but if you think about it, butter has a higher fat ratio than mayo.
I love grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches and occasionally put roasted peppers on them. I like to experiment with various kinds of cheese to change up the taste. I prefer that my GC is on rye bread.
These aren't traditional in my area, so we never made it growing up, but having discovered it in the past few years on TV, I decided to give it a try and I did love it especially alongside a good soup. My favorite way to prepare it is with some caramelized onions because I already do love that ingredient to begin with, and putting it in between buttered toast with melted cheese is just genius, in my book.
For me a grilled cheese sandwich must be made with Velveeta. My favorite grilled cheese sandwich would be like the one someone already mentioned, with tomatoes and basil. I do add a little more though, salt; pepper; garlic powder; and sometimes shrimp. I put it in the Foreman grill.
Very delicious.
Texas toast grilled cheese with tomato sandwiches are the best! They are even a complete meal for those of us that don't want to eat alot but be filled up at the same time. I should try other grilled cheese variations and see if I like them.
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