Growing chilli peppers


22 Nov 2024
Local time
3:57 PM
Rome, Georgia US
Tossed a handful of these, chiltepin peppers, along the fence and now you just have to pick when you want some.
You're so lucky
I want to grow them, but no luck so far
Why don't they grow? Is it because it's so hot and dry? Those types of plants, grown here, need an 1" of water/week to produce and the soil can't be too sandy.
Why don't they grow? Is it because it's so hot and dry? Those types of plants, grown here, need an 1" of water/week to produce and the soil can't be too sandy.
They didn't germinate....
It should be possible to grow them here. Not the ideal climate, but possible.
I'll need to find fresh seeds
Or better, a small plant/vine
They didn't germinate....
It should be possible to grow them here. Not the ideal climate, but possible.
I'll need to find fresh seeds
Or better, a small plant/vine
I've grown seeds that I got at the grocery store so that might be an option. Sometimes though the grocery products/produce are treated to prevent germination/sprouting so the product remains viable for sale.
What I've planted, more chili's than peppers except for the chiltepins, are pretty much care free.
Chiltepins are chile peppers. The word is a compound from the Mexican nahuatl language: chil = chile, tepin = small.
I've finally managed to grow some after several failed attempts. They're small, and very hot; 50,000 to 100,000 Scoville units. A tabasco chile is about 2,500 - 5,000 and a cayenne, between 30,000 and 50,000.
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