Recipe Guinness® Pizza


15 Oct 2012
Local time
12:37 AM
“Broken Eggs will poursuive bitten Apples for where theirs is Will there's his Wall”
James Joyce, Finnegans Wake

1 cup Guinness
3/4 cup water
1 tsp. salt
3 1/2 cups 00 flour
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp. granulated sugar
2 tsps. yeast

Place beer, water, and salt in mixing bowl; add flours, sugar, and yeast; mix on low speed for 1 to 2 minutes; turn off mixer; rest 30 seconds;
Mix at medium speed 45 seconds; turn off mixer; remove dough from bowl; fold in sides 2 to 3 times to create smooth outer skin;
Place dough ball into greased mixing bowl for proofing; cover with plastic wrap;
Place in warm area (85˚ to 100˚F); cover with damp towel; check on dough after 1 1/2 hours;

Portion dough into 6 oz. balls; place balls in refrigerator 1 to 2 hours, covered, or until ready to use.

Pizza assembly:
3 oz. potatoes, peeled, boiled, and pureed with butter and cream
1/2 cup fingerling potatoes, sliced
2 Tbsps. bacon, chopped
3 oz. onions, caramelized
1/2 cup blend of mozzarella and provolone cheeses
2 Tbsps. blue cheese, crumbled
sea salt
1 tsp. rosemary, chopped
1 basil leaf, torn
Black pepper, freshly cracked
1 oz. extra-virgin olive oil
1 egg, cooked over easy

  • Preheat oven to 450˚F.
  • Roll out reserved dough to desired size; top with spoon full of potato puree, spreading almost to edge of dough, leaving 1/2” rim; arrange potato slices over puree; sprinkle bacon and onions over; sprinkle mozzarella, provolone, and blue cheese over.
  • Bake pizza until crust is golden brown and cheese is bubbly; remove; cut into 6 pieces; sprinkle with sea salt, fresh herbs, black pepper, and drizzle of olive oil; top with egg.
I am going to try this. When, I don't know but I will. I have some yeast I went out and got for the mosquitoes and maybe to try a bread if I could ever muster the courage. This dough looks easy enough and as for the assembly, I'll do whatever I please there. What's next Classic33, Gunness rice?
Well the dough was the only place the Guinness could be and it didn't disappoint. Sadly I won't try this one, at least not with Guinness, because unless they have changed their manufacturing methods, Guinness is not vegetarian sadly! But it would be good with another dark beer that is vegetarian.

(It's what Guinness is filtered through that does not make it vegetarian rather than what is contains, fish swim bladders).
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I am going to try this. When, I don't know but I will. I have some yeast I went out and got for the mosquitoes and maybe to try a bread if I could ever muster the courage. This dough looks easy enough and as for the assembly, I'll do whatever I please there. What's next Classic33, Gunness rice?
Guinness Fried Rice or pudding?
Guinness Fried Rice or pudding?
Fried rice...throw in the pudding. Do you know I am actually going to buy Guinness this weekend? It's been years since they have been in our house. In my country, we have something called the Guinness Rush Hour. It's a radio show I think (Caribbean girl help me) but they go around to various shops and broadcast live programs. You are invited Classic33.
Let's go for a Guinness jelly ,
Come on c33 take the baton and find one!
But which kind of jelly? In America jelly is jam. In UK jelly is a wobbly desert made with gelatine (or vegetarian substitute) OR a sweet, clear, semisolid, somewhat elastic spread or preserve made from fruit juice and sugar boiled to a thick consistency.
To easy a challenge. Here's an American recipe for Guinness jelly.
And there seems to be a whole load of recipes for something called Guinness Jello Shots like this:
I've never heard of Jello shots...
As for Guinness Jello (Jelly in UK), that's harder to find. But I found this one. Its meant to be served as 'sticks' of jello (firmly set), standing up in a vanilla mousse.
Stout jello
1 can stout beer
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 cup cola
1 packet jello powder

• To make stout jello: combine all the ingredients, except the jello powder, in a pot.
• Stir well. When liquid simmers, add in the jello powder. Pour the liquid into a tray to set.
• Keep the tray in the fridge for 30 minutes.
• Remove the tray from the fridge. Slice the jello into sticks.
We call jelly, jelly. I think it means something different in Australia though. We have jelly, jam and preserves here. Guiness is good but is mostly consumed around St. Patrick's Day here. We don't have as many dark beers here as we should. It seems like most our beers are pale ales. The dark versions always cost more..
We call jelly, jelly. I think it means something different in Australia though. We have jelly, jam and preserves here. Guiness is good but is mostly consumed around St. Patrick's Day here. We don't have as many dark beers here as we should. It seems like most our beers are pale ales. The dark versions always cost more..
Where are you Kgord? I know you may have told us but I can't recall? You can put your location under your picture which always really helps when we are discussing ingredients. To see how look at @SatNavSaysStraightOn's instructions in The Lounge.
Beer and pizza, my two favorite things combined. How could you go wrong with that?
I will definitely give this pizza dough a try. I may use different topping though. I have never
had potato on a pizza. It may be good. I am willing to give it a try.
Beer and pizza, my two favorite things combined. How could you go wrong with that?
I will definitely give this pizza dough a try. I may use different topping though. I have never
had potato on a pizza. It may be good. I am willing to give it a try.

I must admit I find the idea of potato puree and sliced cooked potatoes on pizza very bizarre. I'm not sure what fingerling potatoes are but I'm assuming that they are small waxy potatoes. The thing is, that the pizza dough is already providing carbohydrate. And there is no tomato sauce base.. The rest of it sounds OK though!
Guinness Jam/Jelly
“Where oranges have been laid to rust upon the green...”
James Joyce, Finnegans Wake H.C.E.

3 12 ounce bottles Guinness
1 package Sure-Jell low-sugar pectin
2 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 c. apple cider vinegar

Bring boiling water canner up to a boil and prepare jars and lids. Put the beer and vinegar into a very large pot. It will froth up much more than you can imagine.
In a small bowl, mix together 1/2 c. sugar and the package of powdered pectin. Stir it into the beer and bring the mixture up to a boil.
Once it’s boiling, add 2 c. sugar and return to a boil. Cook it at a rolling boil for 1 minute and then remove from heat. Ladle hot jam into hot, sterilized jars leaving 1/4″ headspace. Wipe rims and attach lids, and then process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. Adjust for altitude as necessary.

“Ah, there's no friends like the old friends.”
James Joyce

“Irish Car Bomb”

Highly suggest sipping on some of the Jameson while preparing these treats. And also suggest, using whiskey stones to chill that fine Irish whiskey without diluting it. Now, let’s make these delicious amorphous drinks.

2 cups Guinness beer, divided use
3 packages unflavored gelatin
2 teaspoons brown sugar
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cocoa powder
1/2 cup Jameson
1/2 cup Bailey’s Irish Cream

Put half the Guinness, sugar and cocoa powder in a small saucepan and sprinkle with 2 packets of gelatin and allow to soak in for a minute. Heat and stir until everything is dissolved. Remove from heat and add the remaining cup of Guinness. Pour into a 8×8 pan and allow to set for about 30 minutes. Place Jameson in a saucepan and sprinkle with one packet of gelatin. Allow to soak in for a minute. Heat and stir until gelatin is dissolved. Stir in Bailey’s and allow mixture to cool. Pour over top of the slightly set Guinness mixture. Allow to set overnight in the fridge. Scoop with a melon baller and serve on spoons. If you prefer a less-gentrified approach, feel free to use standard silicone molds.
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