Hello Everyone


Senior Member
10 Jun 2018
Local time
11:54 AM
Toronto, Canada
Hi, just here hoping to find a place to discuss cooking with others. I have only been cooking as a hobby maybe 8 months now but let me say I have jumped in with both feet and having a blast at it. I am just some old dude with some spare free time and a family that needs to eat like all families lol. I am here to hope have some light hearted cooking chat.

I have a blog that get maybe 4 or 5 views a day (fame is near I can just tell, hahahaha) I recently actually started doing, alway wanted to blog but never had any reason to but cooking has taken over my life and need an outlet. So to relieve my family from my new found obsession I am hoping I can bore you all with my talk of cooking.

I made a baklava yesterday and feel I am now at the peak of my cooking prowess hahaha, well I should not go that far but hey my family and friends like my cooking and sometime even more than I do. Well I will stop here as you can tell I do ramble on, on occasion and hope this is where I can get it out my system, find some new recipes, new techniques and most importantly share my new found love of cooking.

I will more than likely be going through old post over the coming days/weeks so don't be overly surprised if old post come back to life.
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Welcome to CookingBites @SlightlyConfused. I love your name!

We are a friendly forum - UK run but with international membership. You are welcome to join in any discussions or start a new thread. We have two challenges running at the moment which you are more than welcome to enter. See hereThe CookingBites Challenges.

Very impressive to be making Baklava if you have only been seriously cooking for 8 months!

Re old threads - you can of course reply but don't be surprised if your reply gets moved to start a new thread - its simply that when threads are old a lot of the members who joined in with that thread may not have been seen here for years and no-one will notice your reply...
Thanks! Well UK makes sense, I got hooked on cooking because of UK cooking shows like Bake Off, The Great British Menu, Family Cooking Challenge, etc, etc. I would see the food they were eating and I thought why can't I have good food like that and I realized I could.
Thanks! Well UK makes sense, I got hooked on cooking because of UK cooking shows like Bake Off, The Great British Menu, Family Cooking Challenge, etc, etc. I would see the food they were eating and I thought why can't I have good food like that and I realized I could.

We are big on cooking shows in the UK!
Thank god or I would be stuck with only American ones, Canadian ones seem to crash and burn usually and I find American cooking shows far more aggressive than they need to be so I don't watch them. I like the mellowness and friendliness of the UK ones. I mean I am Canadian we are like Brits once removed lol.
Thank god or I would be stuck with only American ones, Canadian ones seem to crash and burn usually and I find American cooking shows far more aggressive than they need to be so I don't watch them. I like the mellowness and friendliness of the UK ones. I mean I am Canadian we are like Brits once removed lol.

There is a thread somewhere recently about cooking shows. I'll seek it out... I tend to agree re American shows - its the fact that the presenters seem to shout which puts me off. But having said that there are some I do like - Barefoot Contessa and sometimes Pioneer Woman. Apologies to our American friends...:oops:

....here is the most recent thread about cooking shows.
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Welcome from NYC, SlightlyConfused.

My son has forsaken me and become a Leafs fan. I just tell him the reason they are blue is because they've been choking since 1967.
Welcome from NYC, SlightlyConfused.

My son has forsaken me and become a Leafs fan. I just tell him the reason they are blue is because they've been choking since 1967.

Have not been a fan of hockey since there were 12 teams but why anyone would be a leafs fan is beyond me. And thanks. When I was a hockey fan I was a Boston fan anyway, Orr, Esposito. Cheevers, Sanderson, but now I could not name two players.
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