Hello from another newbie

Maggie Magpie

25 Sep 2015
Local time
5:55 AM
Hi, I'm a busy author who tries to balance work with family life. I'm the nominated chef de maison so I'm responsible for all things culinary at home.
I like to experiment with food but the important thing for me is to eat healthily. All our meals are prepared from scratch using as many fresh ingredients as possible.
I'm in the kitchen by 6am each morning preparing breakfast and lunches for all of us. Then coming into work it's straight to the kitchen to get creative before the cries of hunger drown out the extractor fan.

So cool that you're an author, and a children's author at that! I have a whole new appreciation for kids books now that I'm a parent!

Hope you enjoy yourself on the forums here, looking forward to reading your contributions!
Hello and :welcome: to Cooking Bites Forum. Wow! Despite being an author I admired you for still having a time to prepare and cook meals for your family because I knew your work is so hectic. Children bedtime stories are interesting and nice to read. Well, you had came to the right place and I assure you can learn many things in this site.
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