Hello from Dallas!


25 Aug 2019
Local time
4:33 AM
I like to cook, and love to eat. A few folks here may know me from other places on the internets. I'm looking to broaden my "network" of cooks to share information with.

To one particular member here... it's Pork Roll. :D

Welcome to CookingBites @caseydog :welcome:. We aim to be a friendly and supportive forum and we are always pleased to have new members. Please feel free to dive in and join in with any of our discussions. We also have some fun challenges - see here: The Current CookingBites Challenges. New entries are always welcomed! There is also a regular thread where you can see what everyone is cooking or eating, the aptly named, What did you cook or eat today (August 2019)?

What kind of food do you like to cook @caseydog?
Hi caseydog, remember me? I missed Bucky also. He was also very nice to me on the other forum.

I have only been here 1 month, but so far everyone has been very nice. I am sure you will like it here. They also have invited me to play my cooking game here. Come and join us, it is called The Cookbook Game now. And there are also a lot of fun things to do here as well as learn about different cultures and their foods.
Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm kinda' having to get used to the forum software and layout, but I'll figure it out.

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm kinda' having to get used to the forum software and layout, but I'll figure it out.

Welcome to CookingBites.

Apologies for the tardiness, but I've just flown back to the UK from Australia for a family birthday (return flights a week today). So I'm playing catch up both with families, friends, health, tiredness and here on CookingBites.

Don't get too hung up on learning the forum software. The site software is due to be upgraded very soon (2-3 weeks time) but whilst the layout of the forums will remain the same, the location of buttons and how things work is going to change, particularly in the mobile viewing platform.

The help files have as such been left for the time being. I generally write them after someone has asked how something is done. But obviously now that's going to change. At the very bottom of the list of forums, you'll find the CookingBites (CB) how to guides and site support. Site support is open for anyone to reply to if you're needing help.

You'll not be able to post hyperlinks for a little bit yet, so just use the report button and ask for whatever it is you're trying to link to, to be added. You will have to be creative in describing the link needed. You can however add internal hyperlinks at anytime. This precaution is to prevent the site being filled with spam and unwanted advertising. You'll also find that the more you use the site (and the longer you're here), the more access and freedom on the site you'll get. So hyperlinks, signatures and a hidden area of the site will become available faster, the more you get stuck in!

You'll find we'll move things around if they're in the wrong place, so don't get overly hung up regarding it all.

Right at the bottom of the page is a little button called help. It will give you help and advice with adding recipes (and later on recipes with videos), plus the t&c's are there as well. However, I generally say just match it to whatever others are doing and you'll probably be correct.

Anyhow, welcome and please make yourself at home. I feel like I've whittled on long enough!

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