I'm not Japanese though. I just in the Land of the Rising Sun 
Since I'm vegetarian, I do a lot of home cooking and love making super healthy meals. I also routinely make peanut butter, English muffins, pancakes, and a bunch of other things from scratch. One of my favorite recipes is Korean scallion pancakes!
Looking to have a lot of fun with everyone here, sharing cooking adventures, and maybe picking up a few top chef-level secrets while I'm at it. Cheers!

Since I'm vegetarian, I do a lot of home cooking and love making super healthy meals. I also routinely make peanut butter, English muffins, pancakes, and a bunch of other things from scratch. One of my favorite recipes is Korean scallion pancakes!
Looking to have a lot of fun with everyone here, sharing cooking adventures, and maybe picking up a few top chef-level secrets while I'm at it. Cheers!