Hello from NYC.


4 Mar 2017
Local time
5:29 AM
Hi folks.

I was looking around the internet for inspiration for some new recipes and found your forum. My wife has been doing most of the cooking lately, so today she asked me to "look in the fridge and whip something up. You know, like you do after you watch those cooking shows."

We ended up with takeout Chinese. :whistling:

I'm a TV broadcast engineer by night - but then a husband to a beautiful wife, and dad to a great boy by day.
Hobbies are cooking, fishing, skiing, hiking, hockey, baseball, rugby, football, airsoft, and gardening.

I hope to be able to share some of my recipes, as well as a laugh or two, while I save some good recipes in return.
Hi @buckytom. You have hit on the right place. We are a small and very friendly community and we love to share recipes. I frequently try out recipes suggested by other members and post up the results. I have a background in Film & TV too (although a while back now!). Please dive in and join in. :welcome:
Hi :welcome: My wife is also the main cook but we both love food and I believe a man should be able to cook [even if only, like myself - adequately].
Might be interesting to compare the "local" everyday fare where you are and here in North East of England.
PS - Used to love hiking too but now I tend to let the motorcycle do the miles and carry the load.

Welcome to CookingBites. :welcome:

@Cinisajoy should be able to help with some of the UK/US translations should you need it but we also have a guide lurking around here as well. There's a few confusing changes at time... There's probably room for a terminology one soon as well...

(Site Owner)
Thanks for the welcome CInisajoy, morning glory, sidevalve, and SNSSO.

morning glory, what did you do in Film/TV?

sidevalve, I think all young guys should live on their own for a few years as I did in my early 20s. You learn how to keep your place tidy, your clothes clean, and how to cook if you ever want to meet and impress a young lady.

SNSSO, I'll try to be good about the US/UK translations. Most of my recipes are somewhat vague in the sense where I don't always give exact measurements, but rather something like "1 medium onion" instead of 56 grams of onion, so hopefully that'll work.
morning glory, what did you do in Film/TV?

Hi @buckytom, I worked as a film editor (old school celluloid - commercials and documentaries), studied Film and TV at Master's level (Royal College of Art) and went on to run a UK film course in the University sector. Perhaps coincidentally, one of my star graduates from the film course is the executive producer of some well known TV food programmes here: The Hairy Bikers, Nigella, Lorraine Pascale, James Martin, Rachel Khoo and Michel Roux Jnr. :D
Ooh, Rachel Khoo is very easy on the eyes. :thumbsup:
I love her show in the little French apartment.
Thanks for the welcome CInisajoy, morning glory, sidevalve, and SNSSO.

morning glory, what did you do in Film/TV?

sidevalve, I think all young guys should live on their own for a few years as I did in my early 20s. You learn how to keep your place tidy, your clothes clean, and how to cook if you ever want to meet and impress a young lady.

SNSSO, I'll try to be good about the US/UK translations. Most of my recipes are somewhat vague in the sense where I don't always give exact measurements, but rather something like "1 medium onion" instead of 56 grams of onion, so hopefully that'll work.
Don't worry. I do vague measurements too.
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