Hello from Tasmania, Australia


Über Member
16 May 2016
Local time
8:42 PM
Hi everyone, I'm very new to the kitchen..or at least the business end of it, interested in home butchery and using the not so popular cuts/parts of the animals we farm for our table. Looking forward to sharing and listening to all your stories.
Hi - had a little debate about the 'less used' bits a while ago. It seems we in the developed world have become either too squeamish or just too wasteful to use everything that is available [and was used even in my parents day]. Offal appears to have many people reaching for the sick bag and even some ordinary meats [such as mutton] just don't seem to be popular anymore.
Anyhow welcome from the opposite side of the world :welcome:
Welcome @BobKat. I hope you enjoy it here. We are very friendly! In terms of not so popular parts of meat, I'm very interested and will have a go at anything! I can get beef cheeks fairly cheaply here and they are delicious. But I love all offal too. :D You might find that quite a few here are not fans of offal as @sidevalve mentioned...
Good Luck SatNav!! Let us know when you arrive!! Safe Journey!
Thanks. I arrived on Thursday, 2 days later. Just ' settling ' in to the temporary apartment and starting the house hunting... Its hard because everywhere is no gardens or tiny wooden areas and I'm used to space and want a garden!
Thanks. I arrived on Thursday, 2 days later. Just ' settling ' in to the temporary apartment and starting the house hunting... Its hard because everywhere is no gardens or tiny wooden areas and I'm used to space and want a garden!
Do you mean decking areas when you say wooden? I'm surprised about no garden. I expect I'm naive because I have this idea that Australian houses are airy and spacious and have large outdoor areas for the pool and BBQ!
Do you mean decking areas when you say wooden? I'm surprised about no garden. I expect I'm naive because I have this idea that Australian houses are airy and spacious and have large outdoor areas for the pool and BBQ!
Not in this city! The modern homes are getting tiny like the UK, small bedrooms barely big enough for a double bed. Older homes are slightly better but they all seem to lack gardens and sorry, decking is the UK term, they appear to use wooden here or patio or just don't mention a garden at all which all too often is the case!

Finding anything I'm going to survive in is difficult, but then it was in the UK as well. I just think my OH is getting anxious that I haven't even contacted anyone to arrange viewings yet. I keep pointing out that a mobile phone would be useful but until we have a document to formally give our temporary address, I can't seem to get one and getting into town is at the limit of what I can manage walking wise, going around the shops in addition is too much. Not yet found any pay as you go in the UK sense, it seems to be contract we need your bank details, proof of ID, proof of address type pay as you go! Oh and it expires each month and is automatically renewed...
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